Giraffe Call Summary (so far!)

Dec 26, 2011 10:30

Woosh! It's been a fun and busy week, and this is what I've gotten written so far!

I'm working on the second prompts for donors now, and then will be everyone else's second prompts, and then the third and then fourth prompts for donors! This was a busy month, and it will probably be mid-January before I do the donation-incentive long story and comment-incentive setting piece.

Thanks again to everyone who has participated!

The Call ( LJ)
The Linkback Incentive Stories ( LJ)

A True Gift ( LJ), to
anke's prompt
A Present for the Queen of Underhill ( LJ) to moon_fox's prompt
The Fairy Road ( LJ) to
kelkyag's prompt
Little Gift ( LJ)to
moon_fox's prompt

Tír na Cali
Target ( LJ) to
kc_obrien's prompt, a crossover with Facets
"Can we Be that Close" (did no x-post) - the brothers and

sisters from last month's call share gifts
"It is Nice to Share ( LJ) (one-off) to Stryck's prompt
Everything ( LJ) to ellenmillion's prompt

In Bed ( LJ), after "Come to Bed" [Beta]

The Aunt Family
Charming ( LJ) to
moonwolf's prompt (Hadelai & Beryl)
King(maker) Cake ( LJ) to
ysabetwordsmith's prompt (Stone, Grandma

Ardella, and Hadelai & Eva's sister Fallon)
Sweater Set ( LJ), a previously-unexplored branch, to
clare_dragonfly's prompt

Peace, Quiet, and the Null ( LJ) to
inventrix's prompt (year ??)
You'd better watch out, you'd better not... ( LJ) to
lilfluff's prompt, set in the post-apoc of

Addergoole, with former students.
Throw out a Line ( LJ)
jjhunter's prompt, after "You'd Better Watch Out"
Trojan Gift ( LJ)
wyld_dandelyon's prompt, Addergoole Yr9, Sylvia

and Garfunkle
Birthday Present ( LJ), Year 9, to cluudle's prompt

Fae apoc
Enlightenment ( LJ)
Myrrh ( LJ)
Up Shit Creek ( LJ), to Rix_scaedu's prompt

The Unexpected Gift ( LJ), Autumn & Tattercoats

Silk ( LJ)

Greetings ( LJ), to
eseme's prompt

A poll on Art ( LJ)
an Art of Winter & Spring (LJ)

partial but cool list of potential powers ( LJ)

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

giraffecall: summary, giraffecall

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