December Giraffe Call: Gifts, _Gifts_ and the Gifted

Dec 17, 2011 10:36

The call for prompts is now CLOSED!

The Summary of stories is here on DW and here on LJ.

I am now taking prompts on the theme of Gifts, gifts, and the gifted

I will write (over the next week) at least one microfic (150-300 words) to each prompter. If you donate, I will write to all of your prompts,

If you have donated, I will write to every prompt you left.

In addition, for each $5 you donate, I will write an additional 500 words to the prompt(s) of your choice.

For every linkback I receive, I will post another 50 words on a story (See the poll for setting here on DW and here on LJ

If I get two new commenters or one new donator, I will write a setting piece (setting chosen by poll).

And, of course, donations are always well-received:

If I reach $35 in donations, I will post an additional 1000-2000-word fic on the subject of the audience's choice. reached!

If I reach $65, I will write at least 2 microfics for everyone, whether or not they donated.reached!

If I reach $95, I will write to every prompt I get in the next 24 hours (limit 4 per person) - or third prompt for each original prompter. At this point, please allow up to 5 weeks for the writing to be completed.

If I reach $120, I will record a podcast of an audience-choice story and post it for everyone to read. Also, everyone who tipped will get double wordcount.

If I reach $150, I will release an e-book of all of the fiction written to this call and the last one. At this point, please allow up to 6 weeks for the writing to be completed.

I'm still saving up for the giraffe carpet, which will be installed THIS COMING WEDNESDAY (knock on wood!)

For more information on Giraffe Calls, see the landing page.

Donate below, OR! my Dreamwidth account could use renewing.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

giraffecall: call, giraffecall

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