Fun at Ista

Apr 17, 2008 22:53

Where: North Beach, Ista Weyr
Time: day 21, month 1, Turn 16
Summary: The weyrling class crashes a candidate party at Ista. Partial log from Lu's arrival onward.

L'vae nods to Viviana before turning to claim one of those kebabs for himself. Holding it delicately, he wanders back towards Caitlyn even as his gaze turns out to watch Xielar and Vivy move towards the waves. Watches as Leova goes over to the candidate. He looks in that direction for a long moment even after stopping by the Istan bluerider, but then seems to remember himself. "It is very kind, of you to share your party with us," he notes with a broad smile. "I failed to introduce myself - L'vae. You are?" Polite curiosity lights in his eyes.

Caitlyn appears relieved at first when things seem to be redirecting themselves away from the subject of I'daur. But Leova's confrontation of Xielar has the bluerider inwardly cringing, while she stares at how the candidate handles himself. She notices the youth's tooth-grinding, and nods not unkindly at him when he apologizes to the weyrling. The woman nearly starts when L'vae appears at her shoulder, but she recovers with only a slightly nervous smile and darting of eyes. "Oh, hello there, L'vae. Caitlyn, blue Kintryth's. Well met. Glad you're enjoying Ista."

Viviana steps back when Leova confronts the Istan Candidate, becoming even more quiet as she presses in against Ashmyth, the dragon curling her tail to draw her in closer. "It's beautiful, L'vae.." She chews her lower lip though, unsure of what to do. "Lovely party, wonderful people.."

Anderon isn't so much late to the party as just stumbling into it by accident. He may or may not have forgotten about it; he certainly looks surprised to see all the food and the people on the beach, and it takes some time for him to sort through his internal calendar and remember, oh yeah, that one guy had that thing, and I guess that was today, huh? His gaze sweeps over all the unfamiliar riders, then alights on Xielar, towards whom he now makes a beeline. "Xie!" he bellows. "You didn't remind me!"

Leova waits Xielar out, every single word of it, no matter much it may blur in her ears until he gets to the important part. Which is not the scared part. "Apology accepted," she says not unkindly. Not that she gives him any more room. "Next time, try apologizing right away instead of making the wingleader, over there, have to say something to you. Blows the wind right out of my sails, or whoever else isn't happy with you. Know what I mean?" Now she steps back. Now there's more room to breathe. "And good luck on the sands."

Glows cordon off a large portion of the beach while a bonfire blazes in the centre. Tables of both hot and cold food sit by the bonfire while a spitted porcine continues to roast while more pieces are carved off as the night progresses. Harper-turned-Candidates play music in the background while Dunmar, a tall candidate, seems to be the host of the Istan hootenanny. Despite it being the dark of night, the beach is very well lit by both glows and the large raging bonfire.

"Actually, it's the candidates' party, but we figured it was a big beach, so anyone is welcome," Xielar calls out to L'vae while still staring back at Leova. Anderon isn't acknowledged as of yet as he continues to study Leova. "He trains you well," Xielar remarks quietly to her. After all, with her being so close, he doesn't need to speak all that loudly. "And thank you," he adds with regard to her stated luck. For a long moment, he stays standing there. Finally, as the music picks up, he pivots and glances to Vivy once again, telling her: "I should apologize to you too, Viviana."

It's unlikely that anyone is looking upward to see the moment when Rielsath appears out of /between/, and if they were it's even more unlikely they would glimpse her in the darkened sky. The gold dragon is there indeed, sunfire hide hidden by night, and somewhere between her neckridges is Lujayn. The flicker of bonfires below guide their descent, and just as she's close enough for her icy belly to be lit the weyrling pair makes a sharp turn over the ocean. Wings flicking back, neck arcing down, Rielsath is a speeding comet. There's finally a large splash, accompanied by surprised shouts from a few partygoers who were trying to have a partially dry wade, but above that a bright and cheery warble. Someone's rather pleased with herself.

L'vae gives a bow of his head to Caitlyn. "Well met," he echoes, smile wide. That said he starts in on his kebab with delicate nibbles. Ashmyth's curling draws his eye, and a worried little line comes to his brow as his gaze searches over Viviana. "It is," he agrees. Then there's bellowing, and the weyrling follows the bee-lining Anderon back to Xielar. "Ah, yes?" he remarks with a smile lifted to the teen. But it's a brief thing, turning away as the candidate goes back to speaking with Leova. Nibbling at his food once more, Lou peeks another concerned look in Vivy's direction.

Rielsath> Ashmyth, Bremuth, and Vrianth sense that Rielsath shines with cheery oranges and yellows, drawn straight from the bonfires ashore. << We're here! Ista, huh? What's going on? >> Already eager to get into things.

Caitlyn looks a little worried, a bit defensive while the tension still lingers between Leova and Xielar, though she keeps her place next to the young brownrider. And then Xie actually calms down some more, which lends itself to the bluerider relaxing again, too. "Well now, all's right with the world again. PLEASE enjoy yourselves, everyone. There's lots of food, many kinds of drinks, and good company." WHEW. And then the weyrling gold is splashing down in the ocean, causing Cait's blue lifemate to trumpet in clear surprise from his swimming frolic nearby - and making his human half jerk a stare over her shoulder. "What the shardin'..?!"

Though Leova meets Xielar's gaze, it's no staredown, and she lets him look as long as he has a mind to. A little later, when he speaks more quietly, she says just as softly, "Hope so. And. We'll watch for your name, when there's news." Only when the boy turns to Viviana does she slip back, back to where it's quieter, and maybe some food. Or maybe just a comet.

Viviana shrugs. "I don't think the same as /her/ so no need to apologize. he's not the nicest of men but he did train us well, I'll give that to him." The little spat of nastiness has taken the wind out of her sails though. "Many weyrlingmaster's have to be very hard and tough. To keep us alive. I'd be dead and so would she, if he hadn't been that way at times." She glances over Xie's shoulder toward L'vae, giving him a small half hearted smile of reassurance before forcing herself to be brighter. "But that's all over with, now isn't it and you don't have long before you will discover if you'll understand the inner workings of weyrlinghood. Much of it goes right over my head, all the politics and such." Oh look, a distraction. "And you'll have to meet our gold weyrling, Lujayn, she's delightful and so smart, she has to be, all that extra work she has to do, riding that big beautiful lifemate and all."

Andy's being ignored in favor of a girl, which is fine with him, because it means maybe Xielar's actually taking what he's said to heart. His attention swings now to the newly-arrived gold -- because really, how can anyone /not/ notice that entrance? -- and he hesitates before veering in her direction. "Ista's duties," he calls as he goes. "That was some landing. Are you here for the party?" There's a glance over his shoulder at the bonfire and the food, and then he grins a little wryly. "Well, of course you are. Don't think anyone's here who isn't."

Xielar nods once to Leova, tension still evident in the candidate's shoulders, neck and face. Soon, however, or perhaps with help from a meatroll he finds in his pocket, Xielar does indeed grow less tense. He shoots an apologetic glance to Caitlyn before glancing back to Vivy, nodding to the green weyrling as he tells her: "I have no doubt of that." He blinks at her distracted glance and looks toward Rielsath's arrival, blinking. "Shells, I remember her Impressing too," Xielar remarks. He looks to be adding something else, but he instead stops and offers the obvious"We have a couple weyrwomen here too.. One's cold and snippy while the other one's just... uh... ditzy." He grins briefly and then adds, "But they're both incredibly competent women... I think." He finally spots Andy and waves to his friend, commenting: "Hey! When did you get here?"

Dragon> Ashmyth, Rielsath, and Bremuth sense that Vrianth's attention moves outward again, in time to realize, << You did spook some! Why don't you try it again. >>

Rielsath starts to swim more slowly towards shore, reveling in this new environment. Ocean - different from lakes, bigger, in need of a good exploring... As she pauses near Kintryth, a smaller figure hits the water with her own splash. Rielsath turns to poke playfully at the blue with her snout, eyes glowing faintly green out of the shadows as Lujayn moves ashore. "Reaches' to you," She replies to Anderon, casual despite being soaking wet. "Don't think that was /my/ idea, do you?" A wry look down at her flying gear as she answers, starting towards the rest of the party with a wave. "Yeah, I'm with the weyrling group."

Caitlyn stares for a long moment at the sopping forms of both gold and her rider, then shaking her head and removing her gaze to those closer at hand - the mutter of 'Damned crazy weyrlings...' not fully audible over the sounds of partying. Smiling warmly at L'vae, she excuses herself and then crosses over to Xielar, leaning over to murmur something near his ear, then waving at Anderon. "You're late!" she teases him, waving her warm skewer of kabob at him like a magic wand. Xie's words of two Istan weyrwomen have Cait subtly leaning back in to elbow him in the side and give him a 'look.' Smirk.

Rielsath> Ashmyth, Bremuth, and Vrianth sense that Rielsath is just a bit distracted. Salt water, big waves, an endless horizon of sea. << There're /huge/ fish here, ones that'll eat ya, have you seen? >> Said gleefully enough, proud emotions flashing as the blue and black heraldry of High Reaches. << Ha, I did scare 'em. Those Istans. >>

Viviana dryly looks Lujayn's way. "Quite an entrance.." Moving past the others with her half empty plate, she sets it in the cleaning bin and starts to pull her flight jacket on. "I think we'll head back with the first group..." She indicates the little grouping of weyrlings around a 'Reaches assistant. Definitely deflated, the weyrling murmurs her thanks.

Leova, once she's availed herself of fruit, kebabs, more fruit, and pretty much whatever it takes to keep her hands full, starts wandering back to where Viviana and L'vae stand. Pretty much silent. But then Viviana starts off and she's left to murmur to the brownrider, "Hate to see her smile go away."

Anderon lifts one shoulder in a shrug. "Maybe," he replies. "Know riders who'd do worse. Better. But hey, if it's not your idea, I guess the compliment's for her, then?" He'll nod towards Rielsath, but he stays safely on shore, where he can admire the gold without intruding on her play. "I'm Andy, with the candidate group. It's nice to meet you. If you want, there's -- " Here, he's cut off by Caitlyn, and he looks her way, calling back, "Not late if there's still food!" Then: "Er. What was I saying?" And yeah, Xielar is ignored, but fair's only fair, right?

Xielar watches Viviana and blinks back at her. "It was nice meeting you, Vivy," Xielar offers, his tone still seemingly apologetic. At Caitlyn's murmur and look, Xie smiles faintly, nodding back at her in thanks. He walks over to Anderon, smirking at the other candidate as he ignores Xie. "Fine, fine. I get you," Xielar comments to the other candidate. "Loud and clear, Andy!" He grins briefly before motioning to the food tables, commenting to his friend: "There's still tons of food. Fayre prepared a lot with the others. I worked on the spitted porcine a lot too."

"Fair skies!" Caitlyn calls out to Viviana, the bluerider's eyes showing a touch of concern as she waves her non-skewer-holding hand at the weyrling. "Hope you enjoyed your time here." Definite hope in that statement. Her gaze drifts over to the other green weyrling and L'vae, trying to interpret their looks, but Anderon's call makes the woman chuckle softly at him. "Better grab yourself some before Basq eats it all!" Out beyond the human gathering, Kintryth goes about behaving like a submarine again - diving and looking around on the oceanic bottom - as if nothing odd just occured.

L'vae tips his glass towards Viviana in acknowledgement of her look. Caitlyn's smile is similarly returned, and then L'vae is left with his dwindling kebab and drink. The skewer is nibbled clean by the time Leova makes her way over. He twirls it idly between his fingertips as he nods. "I don't know, exactly, what happened," he murmurs back with some bemusement. Caitlyn's drifted gaze is noted and he flashes a smile to the bluerider, ear still leaned subtly towards his fellow weyrling.

Lujayn approaches just in time to see Viviana heading in the other direction, a smile lost to her back as the first group departs. "Hope everyone isn't taking off," She jokes, getting to the food almost single-mindedly. "Spitted porcine? Sounds great," So saying, Lu reaches for a kebab. "How's candidacy, then? I don't suppose you're having any fun." Gray eyes gleam teasingly. Out in the waters, Rielsath plays shadow to Kintryth, diving along after and scraping the sands with her belly. Blowing bubbles towards his tail, the very image of exuberant youth.

Following L'vae's glance, Leova leans in to murmur up to his ear, "Just happened. But I'll tell you later. Should check in with her first." She tilts her second fruit kebab his way, time enough for him to snag a few pieces if he chooses, before steadily making her way back in Caitlyn's direction.

Andy finally turns to Xielar then, all wide eyes. "I didn't say anything," he protests. "Nothing to hear. But oh, hey, yeah. I saw the spread on my way over, looks great. Was wondering what all'd been going on in the kitchen." He tilts sideways to look past his friend towards the food, though Lujayn's comment gets him straightening up again. "Oh, yes. Lots of fun. Always did love chores, and hey, I get to make fun of this guy daily." He jerks a thumb in Xie's direction, then adds, "I'm gonna go, y'know. Get something to eat." And he's off, scampering towards the feast and leaving Xielar to entertain the weyrling. Poor Lujayn.

Xielar eyes the food table and grabs one remaining rib on a plate, eating it happily. "Hello delicious," Xie remarks to his food, cleaning the bone free of any remaining meat. He lifts a hand in greeting to Lu, offering, "Ista's duties. I suppose, I should say that too. I'm Xielar."

Caitlyn smiles quietly at the arriving Lujayn, murmuring to her, "Your weyrmate's enjoying herself, I take it? Caitlyn, blue Kintryth's..." she introduces herself, letting her gaze slip around to all those mingling younger folk. A wave for Anderon, and then, "Pardon me, *I* need a drink..." and then the woman slips off for a few moments to snag something from the appropriate table. Out in the warm ocean, Kintryth seems to find Rielsath's bubbling, shadowing form amusing, since he increases his speed, zipping about underwater as if born to it. Chase me.

"Okay. Good idea," L'vae says with another nod for Leova, a hopeful little smile briefly curving at his lips. It broadens to something more sure as the fruit is offered. Tucking the empty skewer into his fingers holding his drink, he reaches out with his now-free hand to pluck a few pieces off. "Thanks." The hand is given a shake in emphasis before he pops the first slice into his mouth. Smiling after her a moment, L'vae takes a breath and turns his gaze away. Out to the musicians, down to his glass... giving the dregs a slosh, the brown weyrling's lips quirk and then he starts off across the sands back in the direction of the Sandbar.

Leova's doing her own chasing, although it's more in slow motion, balancing her kebabs as she heads after the bluerider. The wingleader. When the woman heads for the drinks table, she doesn't follow her all the way there, though, stopping midway between there and where Caitlyn had been standing before instead. It's an easy wait, with the fruit and all, no hurry.

Caitlyn can soft-of perceive she's being 'followed,' but no sense of danger accompanies it, so the woman doesn't bolt around. She serves herself a fruity punch spiked with a little bubbling wine, casually eyeing the path she just trod. Ahh, there's the likely suspect. A warm smile, and she makes her way towards Leova, munching the last bell pepper on her skewer as she approaches the weyrling, then pulls up before her. "Can I help you...uhm...Leova?"

Xielar snags a couple kabobs while he's at it too, looking over at Loeva and Caitlyn before eating the skewered veggies one by one, using his hands to pry off one vegetable after another. "You should see the eggs sometime before you leave," Xielar remarks to the weyrlings, smiling faintly.

Lujayn's own mouth is full of food when Anderon indicates Xielar, so her goodbye and greeting are nearly garbled into one. "Lujayn," She says more formally when the candidate and wingleader introduces themselves, gaze searching the former for whatever's there that the other candidate claims to make fun of. "Rielsath's, from High Reaches." She finds herself trailing after the group as it forms, nibbling as she goes. "The eggs? How did they turn out, then?" The weyrling asks brightly, that extra smile perhaps a result of Rielsath's joy. Her lifemate skims through the water, still small enough to turn after the blue as he twists here and there. Shooting another stream of bubbles, almost hunting with them. Gonna getcha!

"Just wanted to make sure we were all right, you and me," Leova says mildly, and gives the wingleader something of a smile. "Hadn't forgotten we're guests here." In the distance, in the darkness, Vrianth roams the shallows far from the chase game, playing with the waves as they crash and roll.

Kintryth seems to be enjoying their frolicing, the smaller blue using his tail not only as more propulsion through the water, but as a means to 'tag' his pursuer if Rielsath gets too near. His efforts become more and more acrobatic - loops and swirls executed almost as if he's airborne - until the blue is forced to surface for air in a breeching that would make a great white shark envious.

Noemie has been here for a while, being her usual social-butterfly self, flitting from cluster to cluster of candidates, riders, and other assorted Istans and visitors. Glass in one hand (likely containing more than just simply punch), she finally spots the familiar faces of Caitlyn and Xielar, joined by those less familiar. "Evening!" she calls out to the group indiscriminately, bare feet tossing up small clouds of black sand as she crosses the beach towards them and a moderate clip. Naijath, meanwhile, is curled at the edge of the water, seeming content to doze as the waves roll just up to her green hide.

Xielar grins back at Lu, telling her: "They turned out pretty good, actually." The tension from before seems to eased away enough for him to smile or grin without it appearing forced. "And yeah, I remember. I saw you Impress from the galleries." He eats another veggie from his skewer before looking up to Lu, asking her: "What do you think of Ista so far?" He grins some as he watches Noe arrive, waving to the other wingleader as he greets her with, "Evening Noemie!"

Caitlyn gives Leova a grateful smile, nodding warmly to the young woman as they makes their way back towards the main little group. "Yes, we're good," she replies after finishing off the vegetable, then abandoning the skewer on a tray meant for such. "I believe we're all...uhm...protective of our Weyrs. And even inadvertent rudeness isn't tolerated well." Her eyes slip significantly to Xielar, them back to the 'Reachian greenrider. "Xie's a good one, really." Noemie's easily recognizable call causes Cait to look out and wave her free hand, the woman then taking a sip of her punch. "Mmm, good stuff!"

Leova, too, watches Xielar as Caitlyn speaks. "How do you think it was inadvertent, exactly?" she asks conversationally. When the bluerider waves to Nomie, she does too, with one now-empty skewer.

"It's been turns since I visited Ista," Lujayn confesses to Xielar, brows lifting in mild surprise. "That's funny, do I look much the same?" She shrugs, looking up when Noemie arrives with another "Evening" in reply. "I'd like to see Ista's hatching, if we get the notice in time," Now turning to Caitlyn and Leova with a grin. "Really, he's okay? Does that mean I can tease him?" In the water, Rielsath still has that young lankiness that helps her follow nearly as swiftly, though slower on some of those tight turns Kintryth makes. She opens her wings and surges after him, breaking the surface with a happy warble and staying airborne just long enough to glide nearer to Vrianth - then a landing, more of a bellyflop than a real dive. Splash!

"I have ears, Caitlyn," Xie remarks in chagrin. "And I did say I was sorry. Don't..." And once again, the teenager is fumbling with his words, facing Leova. "Don't think that I'm representative of Ista. There's a whole Island of people here that are a lot nicer than I am. And obviously a lot more respectful too." He chuckles at this before shrugging. Xie's attention returns to Lu, nodding as she speaks to him. "And no, I don't think you look all that same," he finally tells Lu. "But then again, watching from the galleries, it's not like I could really discern all your features at the time." He chuckles softly and tells the weyrling, "And I hope our Hatching isn't as early as yours was, Lujayn."

Caitlyn peers at Leova for a moment, then leaning over casually to murmur something near her ear, smiling a little as she does so. Lujayn's commentary on her words makes Cait eyecross and stick out a little bit of a tongue to the weyrling, then smirk.

"Good to see you, Xielar, Caity," Noemie greets individually as she nears the group. Turning to the 'Reachians, she's about to do the same for them, when she draws a blank-- then realizes, momentarily, it's because they haven't met. "Duties! Noemie, green Naijath's." The sound of dragons splashing and being playful in the water catches her attention, and she looks out towards them, eyes squinting slightly, trying to make out the forms of each. "Not just the humans are enjoying themselves this evening, hm?"

Caitlyn sighs deeply, her smile gone as Xielar reacts that way. "Xie, there's no reason to be defensive. Really. You're a solid example of a good candidate - and I wouldn't lie to you about that."

Vrianth, already wet, promptly moves to blow a mouthful of water on Rielsath, there. And then bound further along the shore, further into darkness. Her rider calls, "Leova, green Vrianth's," with an unexpected smile for the woman who's an unfamiliar greenrider, but a greenrider all the same. She speaks more quietly to Caitlyn before looking at Xielar one more time. "Don't think you're any representative of Ista," she says, mildly as before. "Candidate, after all. It's not about you now, it's about me being square with her, my job making sure things are all right that way. See?"

Lujayn smiles, nodding emphatically to Noemie. "Rielsath's having so much fun. She was especially excited to visit the ocean," The weyrling is still a bit damp herself, testament to a watery landing, "but she'll have to come out to dry off eventually. No one goes /between/ sopping wet." Wrinkling her nose, Lu chuckles. Whatever's causing tension here, she missed out on and is lightheartedly skimming past it. "It was quite a way to wake up. Maybe yours'll keep you up until late, so you're ready to drop when you finally get to the sands."

Kintryth warbles at the retreating Rielsath once he has his air back - the blue rearing back in the water to fan his wings triumphantly a few times...then falling over sideways when his tail refuses to balance him against his extravagent actions. SPLOOOOSH!

Xielar wrinkles his nose back at Caitlyn's remarks, telling her: "I'm not being defensive. Really. I just..." He mutters something unintelligble under his breath and shrugs. "Thank you, Caitlyn," Xielar says, seemingly accepting the compliment but not without looking as if he shouldn't receive it. And so with that, the candidate changes topics. He gestures blindly with his hands and goes on to say, "Noemie, there's still food left, the party seems to be thinning out some, but you're very welcome to eat what's left." He glances back toward Lu, wrinkling his nose at the thought of the hatching. "As long as I've got some food in me, I don't think I care when at all the eggs decide to hatch!" Another glance toward Leova and Xielar rubs at his forehead. "I'm glad," Xie admits to Leova. "Some people think I am and I keep telling them I'm just a dock worker. And a candidate."

Noemie missed something, she realizes, as soon as Caitlyn reassures Xielar with her words. But she doesn't dwell on it-- because before she can, Leova's introduced herself. A greenrider! Instant kinship. She grins in return, looking from Leova to Lujayn. "Nice to meet you! Most dragons seem to love the water, don't they?" At Xielar's words, she nods. "Oh, I already ate, but thanks! The food was delicious." And as for hatchings-- "You know, even if you're drop dead tired, I don't think it would last for long. The excitement, the nervousness... that's all you'd be able to think about, as soon as the humming starts!"

Aidra traipses onto the beach, mostly dirty and disheveled with her hands stuffed into her pockets. However, when she spies a whole bunch of people that -aren't- Istans, the little candidate kind of pauses in her gait momentarily before continuing onwards, plastering a smile across her face. "Ista's greetings," she says smoothly, continuing to a halt somewhere near Xielar.

Caitlyn looks a little askance at both Leova and Xielar for a moment, but she only shrugs and lets the whole matter drop - the bluerider seemingly tired of all the political correctness. "I hope the eggs hatch soon..." she notes with a tiny touc of aspersion, then downing more of her bubbly punch as she fixes her attention on the ever-bubbly Noemie. Aidra's arrival is another, welcome distraction, and Cait waves to her. "You missed most of it, Aidra. Just like Andy."

Rielsath's bright bugling can be heard across the waters as Kintryth keels over, her version of a teasing laugh. Once the waves have subsided, she sneaks forward again to get a good aim at his exposed belly with her muzzle. Poke! And away again, convinced of her victory. Lujayn brandishes her kebab (now merely a scary, pointy skewer) towards Aidra with a grin. "Hello." There's something else that goes after that, and it's a hasty "Reaches' duties," before the weyrling can turn casual again. Leova gets a grin, "I don't think one person could accurately represent a Weyr. But they ask some people to anyhow." Oh boy.

"And me just a weyrling," Leova says to Xielar. "It keeps going and going." Again there's her smile, for him this time, and she tilts her skewer Caitlyn's way as a hint of a salute. "Here's hoping they all hatch healthy. And that Lu here won't have to for quite a while. Represent, that is, although I suppose hatch too," this with a sidelong glance that's that much more teasing.

Xielar beams at Aidra as she arrives, telling the other candidate: "Hey Aidra, I was wondering where you had gone off to tonight." To Caitlyn, Xie chuckles, offering, "But there's still food left. Aidra can still eat if she hasn't eaten at least, Caitlyn." He looks in the direction the hatching galleries and sighs, saying, "I don't want this to stop though. I mean, I've been having -so- much fun with the chores and the other candidates." He sighs again and shakes his head, replying to anyone who'll hear him at this point, "I just don't want it to stop, you know?" He nods again as he hears Leova's remarks, commenting, "True."

Tagged?!? Kintryth can only uluate shrill-ly, and roll belly-up when Reilsath's nose pokes him - the picture of a gigantically bloated, 'dead' fish quite evident. She got me!

"Wait, I missed most of what?" Aidra asks of Caitlyn, tilting her head upwards and returning the wave with a cheery grin. Lujayn's brandishing of a skewer earns the 'Reachian weyrling a playful, mock-recoil before she returns the 'hello' with one of her own. "Didn't finish up the feeding grounds for a while, had to clean myself up some," the candidate offers by way of explanation to Xielar, lifting an arm to demonstrate the fact that she's still not entirely clean. "Oh, food?" Yeah, she's only clued in just -now- to the presence of food. "And how can you not want this to stop? I'm ready for it to be done so I can either do that weyrling thing or go back to the gardens."

"Everyone's a representative of the place they're from at one point or another, aren't they?" Nomeie puts in her two cents, the vaguely lost look on her face betraying the fact that she has no idea who's side her words are supporting. "If we meet someone from somewhere else, they equate us with our home." The splashes on the water caused by Rielsath and Kintryth are so much more interesting than this conversation, though! And that's where Noemie looks, out towards the water, feeling a little uncomfortable in the midst of the slightly-charged conversation.

Caitlyn flips her own three fingered-lazy salute back to Leova, smirking richly. "Oiy, it's either crazy candidates or crazy weyrlings, no matter. At least the weyrlingmasters are the one to have to deal with them, ultimately." A nod for Xielar, and then the bluerider's pointing to all the food when Aidra inquires that. "Beach party, obviously, gal." Grin. "Oh, you got mucking duty. Bleh." A sage nod towards Noemie. "I have to agree, Noe..." Anything else she might have added is lost in Kintryth's shrill sound, his rider laughing softly at her weyrmate's antics. "Goofy dragon..." she murmurs indulgently.

"So true." Leova abandons the conversation altogether in favor of wandering Aidra's way and making it clear that some eavesdropping had been going on. "Was that way myself. One way, the other way, so long as it was over. What were you, before this candidate thing?"

"I guess that's true," Lujayn ooncedes to Noemie and follows the greenrider's gaze towards the dragons, less than enthusiastic about those prospects. "Sounds better than hatching, though." A wink for Leova's teasing glance, grinning at who knows what. Everything's funny as of late. "I like crazy. It's better than boring." So saying, Rielsath creeps towards Kintryth yet again, circling around cautiously. Is he really? Did I really get 'im? A deliberately slow, more careful nudge. Hello?

"And people say -I- am oblivious!" Xie remarks, grinning as he hears Aidra's question to Caitlyn. He looks to Aidra and shakes his head, saying, "It's just... the time spent as a candidate has been so... " Fumbling for the words, Xielar doesn't seem to pick any up. Speechless, the Istan teen just grunts instead. "Candidacy," he finally says. "It's a good thing." He spots Noemie's uncomfortableness and sighs, commenting to the Istan greenrider: "I know it sounds silly for me to say to you, Noemie, but relax. Everything's been smoothed over. There's no trouble. And I will try not to let my mouth get the best of me again."

"Mmm," Aidra murmurs in response to Caitlyn's words, grinning over at the bluerider before zipping over to the food and grabbing herself whatever looks delicious. Returning with a full plate, Aidra takes up her position somewhere near Xielar again, content to chew upon a kebab before tilting her head towards Leova. Swallowing (since it's so -rude- to talk with your mouth full), Aidra replies, "A gardener most of the time. The rest of the time? Whatever someone older than me and with more authority than me told me to be or do." Obviously gleaning the reason for some of the tension that's lingering around, Aidra shoots Noemie a brief reassuring grin before redirecting her attention to Leova, sliding an amused look in Xielar's direction. "You said you had the green?" is asked of the 'Reachian. "What'd you do before weyrlinghood?"

Sani walks out of the shadows from whence she disappeared and glances around, nodding to those that she's met before, then going to snag up a couple fruit tarts and another slab of porcine. Pausing, she looks at the drinks, then choosing an iced klah drink before finding a place to sit. "Apologies for ducking out like that. Had to send a note back to my dad who warned me about the.. ahem.. party" she does the party in finger quotes, "In my honor."

"Goofy indeed," Noemie agrees with Cait, watching the dragons-- at least, whatever of their antics are visible above the water. She sips at her drink as she does and then, suddenly, finds it empty. Peering into the empty glass to prove this is so, she wrinkles her nose. And then, hearing Xielar, she laughs. "Relax? I don't think I've ever been told that before! If everything's all well and good, though, then I'm going for a refill. Anyone else need one?" She waits a moment to see if anyone takes up her offer, then traipses off in the direction of the Sandbar.

Caitlyn lets her breath out slowly, relieved that, yes, the issue has indeed been tabled. A large guzzle finishes off her punch, and the woman sets aside her glass to glance over to Xielar and Aidra - nodding to the former, then grinning at the latter. The reappearance of Sani garners a negligent wave of her hand. "No need for apologies. Duty called, and all that." Peer. "In your honor?" The bluerider looks as thick as two planks. And back out to the young queen and her own blue goes her gaze, the woman slowly unwinding in their precipitous play.

Leova has to chuckle. "That won't change any, them telling you what to do. But you're right. Vrianth. Worked in the stables, before her, but with wagon runners and not for riding, since that's the next question people ask." Her eyes slide to track Sani as she moves into the light, and she lowers her voice to whisper to Aidra. "Plenty of face scars going around."

Yes, Kintryth is a huge, bloated (sort-of) dead 'fish,' unresponsive to Rielsath's pokings - even down to his drawn-in limbs and curled-up tail. His vast camoflauge blue body just floats there like so much jetsom.

Sani laughs and takes a bite of roast porcine. "Yeah, In my honor." she washes the food down with a sip of klah. "According to dad, she's been gathering all the eligable men in the small area around our place and.." her eyes twinkle in the firelight, "She's expecting me to walk through the door to meet them at any moment. She doesn't realize that I'm 25 Turns old and am perfectly able to fend for myself."

Xielar looks out to the water and finally notices the bloated fish Kintryth and the gold, chuckling softly. "Shells, Kintryth makes me laugh," Xielar remarks in amusement. He glances back to Leova, studying the woman for a lingering period of time before finally moving back to the food tables, grabbing more food. Some he eats straight away while some things he sticks in his pockets. For later. He waves to Sani as she arrives before grinning back at Noemie, then to Aidra, he comments, "I wonder what would have happened if Dunmar had decided to have the party in the Sand Bar? Would everyone want to come out here or would they have stayed in the bar?"

Lujayn blinks. "Another party?" Though the quotation fingers are glimpsed, she can't fathom what Sani's referring to. In that moment where her wheels are spinning, she nods in agreement with Xielar. "I know what you mean. In a way, I enjoyed being a candidate. It was a lot of work for a good reason. Worth it, too." Around and around Rielsath goes, where she stops - well, it's not a mournful keen that comes next, but a more deliberate pushing. The gold's own cogs are turning a bit more quickly than Lujayn's, and she has a plan. Aided by the water, she begins to nudge Kintryth's motionless body into deeper waters. Maybe she can use him to catch some of those huuuuge ocean fish. Y'know, the ones that eat dragons.

"Ah," Aidra replies to Leova, grinning at the 'Reachian before turning her head and casting a look towards the particular grin. "Not as likely to give you a kick as a high-spirited riding runner, are they? The wagon runners, I mean," the candidate clarifies before daintily taking a piece of a meatroll and popping it into her mouth. Returning Caitlyn's grin with one of her own, Aidra waggles her brows about (for comic effect, maybe?) and turns her attention briefly to Noemie, shaking her head to decline the offer. It's good that she does, anyway, since Noe disappeared anyway. To Leova: "Oh, yeah. It's the distinguishing thing to have, you know?" Her answer is playful, coupled with a bright gleam in her eye. Then, a finger is pointed towards the two dragons in the water. "What are they -doing-?"

Caitlyn 'ohhhs' softly at Sani, then noting to her, "That, AND you're quite a few kays from home right now. THAT one at least should make a huge difference." Snort. A grin out for the playing dragons again, and she notes to Xielar, "That's the idea. And, well, he wouldn't have been able to've had a successful bonfire and feast, then. Unless Kip felt like burning down The Sandbar." Grin. To Lujayn, she confides, "I guess so. Not a fun one, either."

Kintryth is good at holding his breath - especially since he can do it for up to fifteen minutes. He allows his motionless, puffed up form to be prodded further and further out to sea - spun out on the youngling gold's 'line' like a lure.

Aidra's replies are worth one laugh, and then another. Leova offers, "Playing? They do that. Good luck on the sands." She nods to the former gardener and then disappears off by the drink table that keeps swallowing people, and a little later the shadows beyond and Vrianth in the distance beyond that.

Xielar looks up from eating to hear Lu, smiling happily at her. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like that. Or... that you felt that, I guess." He glances back to Caitlyn and grins back at her, saying, "Yeah, I don't think Kip would have liked it." Xielar watches Rielsath and Kintryth, chuckling softly to himself. "I'd say they're playing. Well, Kintryth certainly is," he tells Aidra, grinning further. He looks to Lu and smiles at the weyrling, offering, "Looks as though your gold's very playful."

Sani winks at Caitlyn. "Dad's fed up with her nagging and matchmaking, I think. Hense the warning." She looks at Lujayn and chuckles. "One party that I am definately not going to attend. My mother, even though she's a Fisherwoman, naturally thinks that she can play matchmaker and has called in all eligable men." she sighs. "Always nagging, telling me I should act like a good fisher girl, stay home, marry a good strong man who'll take care of me, and the zinger.. she want's grandkids."

Caitlyn groans at Sani. "Good thing you're here, then. No one would make *me* their baby-machine." Ooh, she's adamant about that one, given the bluerider's slightly glowering expression. Diverted by the forms of Kint and Relisath slowly fading into the distance, Cait smirks widely to Xielar. "I wonder how long he's going to let her believe he's belly up?" To Lujayn, "What's she thinking?"
"Sounds like she means well, though," Lujayn can only reply in slight bewilderment to Sani's tale. "I mean, a whole party just for you." Trying to put a good spin on things. "Oh, she is very," A more wicked grin at Xielar's comment. "And other fun things." This as Rielsath is determinedly towing Kintryth out to sea, sticking her head under the waves from time to time in search of those elusive dragon-eaters. Here, fishy? How do those Seacrafters do that kind of thing? Hindered by her own size and the minimal effectiveness of pushing at the blue with her snout, she tries to make him bob up and down like a worm on a hook. Yes, that's more like it. Lu takes a moment, though she doesn't have to ask to know what's going through her lifemate's mind just now. "She heard that there are great big fish in the ocean," The weyrling explains happily. "And she's made up a story about ones that could eat a dragon. And..." Just to check, she asks. "...Kintryth looks like good bait to her."

Dragon> Rielsath senses that Lujayn sneaks in, one of those tiny fish that Rielsath isn't interested in. "Fishing, are we?" Teasing, a silvery needle flashing.

Dragon> Lujayn senses that Rielsath's mind is spinning away, combing each wave thoroughly. << He's no use now, no use at all, >> She begins plaintively, << Fish would like him. I'll bring back a dragon-eater to High Reaches for sure! >>

Aidra grins in response, canting her head towards the dragons again before looking back at Leova, mouth open to answer. Wait, where'd she go? A momentary look of confusion crosses the girl's face before it's replaced with something like 'ah, well'. Turning her head back towards the others, Aidra says, "That's an odd way of playing. She trying to fish with him or something? 'Cause he's just kind of... floating, from what I can see." It's an intelligent deduction, really. "What, who's a baby-machine?" That's the bad part about eave-dropping: you don't hear everything that you should. "She's probably going to be disappointed," Aidra says merrily to Lujayn after taking another peek at the dragons, amusement heavy in her tone.

Xielar suddenly giggles as he hears Caitlyn, doubling over. "I don't know who's funnier, Caitlyn or her blue," Xielar comments, grinning. He chuckles softly as he listens to Lujayn, offering to the weyrling, "It sounds like she's a story-teller too." He finishes off a plate of some kind of food from the table by the bonfire and looks out to the water, past the dragons playing and toward the horizon. A small smile appears and then Xie promptly sits down. "I feel like I've been standing all night."

Sani chuckles and watches the antics of the dragons. "Now that could get interesting." she arches an eye brow. "You know, she looks like she's using Kint as a bobber." She chuckles. "If he goes under, then we'll know she's hooked a live one."

And Kintryth *does* bob well, indeed - his form rolling about as Reilsath prods and jounces him. Weebles wobble but they don't fall down. For now, his dappled form blends in well with the surrounding waters as he's bobbled about.

Caitlyn might surprise Lujayn and even the laughing Xielar by breaking out intoher own gales of Smith-like laughter at the goldrider's final words - the woman slapping one hand against her dress-clad thigh as she whoops. Once she can collect herself, she explains, "Oh-OH JAYS! That's a Wrencath tale if I ever heard one! Monster fish in lakes, oceans, unexplored places!" Loud snickering ensues, and then Cait has to drive a fist into her side to stop the pain. "Ouch. Okay, no more laughing, for now. Oh, aye, he'd be wonderful bait...if such things existed." Snork. To Sani, "He'd *better* not go under, or I'll be calling out more dragons to fish his hide out!" Grin.

Sani winks at Caitlyn, "Make sure he's still breathing or you'll have to do.." she snickers.. "Mouth to Snout resuscitation."

Lujayn follows suit almost without realizing it, legs folding beneath her as she looks out to the ocean. Comings and goings are unnoticed now, the weyrling caught up in her dragon's game. "I hope she's always like this," She comments more quietly to Xielar, smiling. "But it's been over a turn and she still is, so it's safe betting there won't be any drastic changes." A softer grin, speaking up. "Story-teller, playful, yeah. When you're a candidate they all tell you weyrlinghood is hard work, but usually forget to mention that dragons are their own people too." Maybe a bit tired from the flight over, the try at /between/, or energy being drained from Rielsath's play, but the weyrling has a sleepy cast to her face. No matter how drowsy, there's still room for a laugh. "I don't know where she heard it. Sometimes she just makes things up." Rielsath is doing her best, ignorant of any audience. Hard enough to see in the dark, and dwindling rapidly as she keeps on nudging Kintryth towards the open sea. The big ones must live /really/ far out.

Aidra nibbles away at her food, staring out at the water -- and the dragons -- thoughtfully before plopping herself down to the ground, much like Xielar. "Well, it'd be interesting if she -did- find anything out there. Not so interesting if Kintryth went missing," Aidra says to pretty much no one specifically, reaching up a hand (it's clean, really!) to brush her hair away from her face. Just as suddenly, Aidra stands, again, and puts her empty plate away with the rest of the stuff before turning to give her farewell. "I just got tired all of a sudden. Gonna head to bed. Nice meeting all of you folks!' That's for the 'Reachian people and Sani. To Caitlyn and Xielar, Aidra says with a smile, "I'll most likely be seeing the two of you in the morning. Night everyone!' With that, the candidate turns on a heel and heads for the barracks, slender frame disappearing into the shadows of the night.

Caitlyn does lob a leftover corn cob at Sani, grinning widely at the woman. "He's holding his breath currently - and there'll be not such ressucitation unless my lips and lungs get ten or twenty times their current size." The bluerider leans against one of the tables, stretching lazily as she watches the other wind down. The woman volunteers to Lujayn, "I can almost guarantee the fish monster thing started with S'kris' Wrencath, and moved on to some other Fortian dragon, then to your Relisath." A smile and wiggle of fingers to Aidra, and Cait calls out to her, "Night. Sleep well!"

"Do they change that much during weyrlinghood?" Xielar asks curiously. He pauses and amends his question, "I mean, aside from the whole growing bigger thing." At hearing Aidra, Xielar grins, offering, "How could Caitlyn -lose- Kintryth? I mean, they are lifemates." He waves to Aidra, waving to the other candidate as she departs. He looks to Caitlyn and grins, amused by her laughter.

And now is the time, perfect and ripe, for Kintryth to strike! When Reilsath's more interested in those legendary fish than in her blue bait. The blue LUNGES up from his partial curl, trumpeting hugely and creating such a splaching, surprising ruckus in hopes the gold will react...'favorably.'

Sani deflects the corn cob with a forearm, laughing outright. She watches Kint take action and chuckles. "Looks like we got a live one out there." she winks at Xielar. "Could be interesting."

Lujayn takes just a moment to compose her answer, not wanting to generalize all dragons in one fell swoop. "They're like people. Some people change," A noncommittal shrug. "And some don't. They definitely mature. Learning. Growing." There are scant weyrlings left from High Reaches, now being massed by one harried-looking rider. Lu does her best to ignore them. "You know, it might have been Jekzith. We haven't been to Fort since I Impressed, but P'draig's visited a few times." She smiles thoughtfully. "I never figured he'd put ideas in anyone's head." It isn't until Kintryth's sudden movement that Rielsath realizes she's been duped, taking full advantage of this turn of events to have a grand ol' time. The gold splashes backwards with a startled bugle and other shrill noises, wings fanning out in surprise. She's having just as much fun as ever as she dives away from the 'risen from the dead' Kintryth, barely a glimmer under the waves. Maybe it's more than fish the blue needs to worry about now.

Dragon> Rielsath senses that Lujayn starts that inevitable, arduous process: "Time to go."
Kintryth loudly warbles his triumph once again, then diving under the waves to try and be the pursuer, this time around - clearly enjoying the gold's playful ways.

Dragon> Lujayn senses that Rielsath does as expected and (what else?) ignores the little warning. She's bright gold sun and silver fishing lines, braving the dark oceans to get revenge on a deceptive blue. A flash of metallic stars spins past.

Dragon> Rielsath senses that Lujayn waits, playing a different sort of fishing game. Anticipates the right moment, just when Rielsath is caught up in her antics, tugging sharply. "Time to go."

A snork to Sani, along with a definite nod of agreement, then Cait mutters, "Ahh, that could just be it," to Lujayn. nodding knowingly. "Since Jekzith is Weyrlingmaster, and taught Wrencath. Crazy bronze..." Her blue's triumph registers on Cait's face in a clear, happy grin and bright eyes. "He finds it enjoyable that a queen is willing to cavort, instead of being reserved."

Xielar grins in amusement as he watches the older blue and the young gold. "I don't think I've ever seen such a playful gold before, Lujayn," he tells the weyrling, grinning at her. He glances back to Caitlyn as he hears her snorking again, chuckling softly at the bluerider.

Dragon> Lujayn senses that Rielsath replies this time, darker shades of annoyance mixed in. << Lemme get him back first, >> It's not a whine, more of a stalling tactic. << That Kintryth, that tricky Istan blue. >>

With the beach party finally dying down, so does the bonfire. A number of the younger candidates even seemingly falling asleep on the blankets on the beach. Even some of the older ones too. After all, it is late now, and getting darker by the moment. The coordinators arrive to wrangle the candidates off the beach and into their quarters, helping candidates to their feet and showing them the way back home to the bowl area. One by one, each candidate still on the beach leaves for the comfort of their cots in the Candidate Quarters.

Lujayn beams brightly at the praise for her lifemate, though her expression clouds with some silent debate. The weyrling group is counting heads now, trying to figure out who left with the earlier gathering and who's yet to be accounted for. Her next statement is heartily shared by Rielsath as the gold twists around to face Kintryth, mock-lunging at him before veering off again, headed back towards the shore. Catch me if you can! "It's more fun this way. But they say we only get the dragon we're meant to have, so maybe that says something about me." There's a call from the group, finally figuring out which one is missing. Lu stands, found out at last. "She's coming," Calling back to the waiting riders, turning to face the sea. "I think."

Dragon> Lujayn senses that Rielsath /is/ coming, and how - she's made a new game, a better game, using all her stamina and wingspan to rocket towards shore. Nevermind that it was almost an order; it can't be an order if it's fun...

Xielar grins again, seemingly getting his own things ready to leave the beach as well. "It was nice meeting you Lujayn," Xielar comments. "And Rielsath as well." The Istan teen yawns soon after. "Shells, it's late." He looks toward the departing candidates and yawns again. "I think that's my cue to leave as well."

Caitlyn chuckles very lightly, unwilling to cause her side more pain. "I think we all grow up so fast...especially dragons." A lift of her chin out to the pair in the ocean - to where Kintryth speeds behind the young gold as if to hasten her onward to shore - and then Cait comments, "Kint's playing herder, I think. The smart way." Wink. When Xielar rises, Cait pushes off her lean at the table, nodding at all of the little group. "This has been a mostly exemplary evening. I've enjoyed myself quite thoroughly. Dunmar's idea was a grand success in all ways."
It appears as though Dunmar has yet to stop his schmoozing, talking to the coordinators while they count heads.

Lujayn shuffles towards the weyrlings, a bleary nod given to Xielar and Caitlyn. "Me too - I hope they let me towel her off or something before we fly; she's going to freeze solid in /between/." Her normally carefree voice is tinged with reservation, a pensive look given to Rielsath as the dragon wades ashore with a backwards glance and merry warble to Kintryth. What fun that waa, eh? "Thanks Kit," She remembers to thank the blue for his 'help.' "See you later. Good luck, Xielar..." Waving to the dispersing crowds rather reluctantly, Lu makes her way back with lifemate in tow, a tired but triumphant smile stuck to her face.

Kintryth warbles more softly this time to Lujayn's thanks as he too wades out of the waters, then moving slowly over towards his rider.

Xielar grins before waving back to Lujayn again, saying, "Thanks, Lujayn. That's nice of you!" He waves once more to the woman before glancing back to Caitlyn, smiling once more at the bluerider and the blue dragon behind her. "I should talk to you sometime tomorrow or so, Caitlyn... but not now. Too tired to talk." He grins and with that, heads off, fully satisfied by the food and company.

"Good evening, Lujayn. I think you'll be safely back to 'Reaches. Just take a little longer to concentrate on your visualization. Fair skies to you and Reilsath!" Cait murmurs to the departing pair.

xielar, viviana, caitlyn, sani, aidra, rielsath, anderon, noemie, vrianth, leova, kintryth, l'vae

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