Finding free time?

Apr 19, 2008 14:21

Where: Niena and Masoth's Inner Serenity Weyr
Time: day 31, month 1, Turn 16
Summary: Lujayn stops for a short visit at Niena's and pays her back for months and months of copied notes.

The sun is still high in the sky, doing what it can to bring warmth to a frozen bowl and the chilly weyrs above. A shadow passes over Masoth's ledge, twice, three times before Rielsath decides there's enough room to land. She cranes her neck towards the inner weyr curiously as Lujayn dismounts, but takes off again without much fuss. It's a little small here for her! Lu casts an amused eye after her dragon, but crosses her arms against a sudden wind and calls out. "Niena, you at home in there?"

Niena emerges from the weyr, smiling as she sees her friend. "Hello! How are you and Rielsath?"

Grinning when Niena shows herself, relieved that she won't have to wait the freezing minutes out for Rielsath's return, Lujayn edges toward the ledge's protective wall and out of the wind. "We're as good as ever. Maybe a bit ornery from time to time," She replies with a chuckle about her lifemate, "I haven't had as much free time to go visiting as I thought I would since we were given our weyrs." As if to explain her absence from this particular ledge. "I hope now's a good time."

Niena nods. "Please come on in. I haven't done much with the place yet, but I have enough chairs for visitors."

Lujayn looks grateful, following the bluerider inside "Been keeping busy?" She asks conversationally, head turning this way and that to get a good look around. Pausing near one wall to view a forest scene, she smiles. "Great decorations, these tapestries. Did someone leave them behind?"

Rielsath> Masoth senses that Rielsath, seeing through her rider's eyes, sends a flash of surprise Masoth's way. << Do you fit in there? >> A claustrophobic feeling, trying to squeeze herself into a weyr for smaller dragons.

Niena smiles. "That one I got from stores -- I can't believe no one had wanted it before this." She pulls up a few chairs, then says "I'm finding very little time not to be busy, what with deliveries and all. I imagine you still have to sleep while walking in between assignments?

Dragon> Rielsath senses that Masoth replies with a sense of coziness. << It is a nice place for my rider and me. >>

Lujayn nods thoughtfully, gaze trailing over the different scenic pieces adorning Niena's wall before taking the offered seat. "At least we've managed /betweening/ for a while now. Don't have to worry so much about that. I think I do sleep, sometimes," Continuing with a little roll of her eyes. "Good to hear you're doing well..." There's a pause as Lu takes a little glance around, noting sparse furnishings. "D'you need help getting anything else from stores? There's a nice old desk down there, kind of dusty but looks all right, or a klah table?" She grins, already imagining this item or that piece which she's seen many times in past months. "I'd feel useless if all my time spent down there went to waste, not helping you guys set up shop."

Niena offers a grin. "This is the first real time we've spent in here -- probably once things settle down I'll take you up on the offer." From his spot, Masoth stops pretending to sleep and warbles to match his rider's smile.

Rielsath> Masoth senses that Rielsath continues with a comical image of herself balancing precariously on the blue's ledge, fading into a laughter of green and gold spots. << Well, that's fine. >>

Dragon> Rielsath senses that Masoth counters with an image of himself getting lost on Rielsath's ledge.

"Oh, good. I mean, I've been stuck memorizing everything and going down there for over a turn. Might as well use what I've learned." Lujayn gives Masoth a warm smile, eyes focusing past the blue to the beach scene. "I hope things settle down for you soon. Get some real relaxation time in," Tearing her wistful gaze away from sandy shores and blue skies, she looks back at Niena. "That trip to Ista was too short."

Niena nods emphatically. "I can't wait to see more new places. It's amazing when all my life has been at High Reaches. I'd sort of imagined the other places simply being warmer versions of it."

Niena nods emphatically. "I can't wait to see more new places. It's amazing when all my life has been at High Reaches. I'd sort of imagined the other places simply being warmer versions of it."

Lujayn laughs then, taking a moment to consider. "Maybe because I haven't been here for so long, sorry, that was funny." She takes a deep breath, grinning widely. "It wasn't a big change from Fort to 'Reaches; we already had winter and mountains and all. I was pretty convinced that it wasn't /that/ much colder here, even when everyone kept telling me I'd freeze," A little grimace, "But it is, not that I mind. Couldn't imagine living in Igen for long, or even Ista, though the beach is nice."

It's Niena's turn to nod thoughtfully. "I don't think I would like living without any change of seasons. Although perhaps I wouldn't mind those other than winter lasting somewhat longer."

"Snowballs, snow forts, ice skating," Lujayn lists off on her fingers, rocking back a little bit on the chair's legs. "I mean, what would they do in Igen? Sand fights? Ouch." She winces with a laugh, rubbing imaginary sand from her eyes. "I do think I'd like to visit Fort when I can, though. Traveling is always fun."

Niena mmmmms and nods. "I hope things are a bit less hectic once we graduate. I'd love a chance to just visit places... even Telgar."

Dragon> Lujayn senses that Rielsath takes all those tapestries that fascinate her rider and mashes them up into one big scene. Skybroom trees spring up on the mountainsides, surrounded by a splashing ocean with fields of wavy grass rising up like strange seaweed. << We can see everything. >> Antsy, nearly, the beginnings of an itch. << Let's start now. >>

Dragon> Rielsath senses that Lujayn sends a suffusion of a desert sun, bright fiery orange to wash her dragon's creation. "A moment longer."

Niena makes a face. "I'm still not sure I want to go there, though I suppose I'll have to."

Lujayn can't help but disagree, though it's hardly argumentative. "When we've graduated, or even before then, I bet we'll be all over. Just exploring." A blank moment before the weyrling snaps back, smile turned apologetic. "I need to pin Rielsath down for an oiling. She never lets me know she itches until it's absolutely necessary, but," Reaching into her pocket somewhat teasingly, Lu draws out a small package. "I wanted to give you a little thank-you for all those notes you took for me. Nothing special," She adds hastily, holding out the palm-sized box. "Just something useful."

Niena takes it curiously, though she says "You needn't have. It was my pleasure to help."

Lujayn watches Niena with a barely-suppressed grin, gray eyes expectant as the package opens.

Nestled carefully in soft grass is a polished compass, its wood a light honeyed shade. Its needle moves here and there over a black background, colored a shiny brass to match little directional markings etched around its edges.

"In case you decide you want to go exploring, after all." She grins and waves, hastening to her impatient gold on the ledge below - still insisting its too small for her to possibly balance for more than a moment. "See you later!"

Niena's face lights up. "It's beautiful -- thank you!"

Dragon> Rielsath senses that Masoth's mindvoice is tinged in bluegreen amusement. << It won't let you fall. >>

rielsath, masoth, niena

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