Let go

May 06, 2008 20:54

Title: Let go

Characters: Sylar/Maya

Rating: R

Word count: 1,311

Disclaimer: Do not own.

Summery: She lets go of him

Note: Kept Woman fic. This might be the first of 3 chapters. It's a resolution (maybe :P)

Parts: 1, 2

At the convent Maya had been content but those occasions had been fleeting. She had been too confused and scared to truly find peace then. But in those times she did reach an equilibrium she existed in a strange state of indifference. At those times everything bounced off her, she did not care what was happening around her, only that stillness inside.

She needed that now, her sanity and health depended on it.

The man was like a vampire, feeding off her emotions. It didn’t matter to him what she was feeling, just as long as it was directed at him. And Maya was a provable buffet. He repeatedly tells her he had changed and maybe he had, maybe he truly believed he loved her. A big part hoped it was true because it would make her retribution sweeter.

She probably wouldn’t be able to let go, he had his claws to deeply in her. But she could try. He would never get an emotional reaction from her again.

He had been baffled at first, at her ignoring simple questions and just passed it off to one of her moods. But when she choose to stop interacting with him when he played with Nadia his confusion turned to anger.

But nothing he did would sway her.

He would rage and scream at her and then just as quickly smoother her with affection, try to understand what was the matter.


Grasping for her to come back to him he starts touching her, enfolding him in his arms, hands twisting her hair round and round with a nervous ferocity. Lips cling to hers, tongue slipping into her mouth but he pulls back as she stands unfazed in his hold.

He shakes her like rag doll, like an angrily stressed child.

“What the hell’s the matter with you? Huh?!” She looks at him bored and doesn’t respond. He slaps her face and she looks down for a minute before rising to look at him blankly. He rips his hands off her like she burns, anger fading to shock. His eyes become glossy and he goes white “Please?…I‘m sorry?”

Her eyes stare through him and he stumbles back, panting. Once he’s out of the room Maya lowers herself down and cries.


But it seems to have worked for he had shut himself away and would see no one. Weeks turned into months and Maya could almost breath easy. But Nadia existed in a state of perpetual confusion, not understanding why her father would not see her. Maya had tried to explain.

“He’s not well, here.” She taps her temple and Nadia scowls.

“He’s not crazy mom! God you’re more nuts then he is!” She stomps away before Maya can reprimand her. She was hurting, Maya knew that but ultimately it is for the best. Nadia would get over it, would have to.

He had sent messages to the leaders of each group on the Base, checking up on the running of it. But after awhile he stopped and they were left to instruct themselves, successfully. He had trained them well. But he wasn’t inactive in his isolation. Art equipment had been raided from all available sources. Maya shrugs it off, let him do what ever he wanted, just as long as he did it away from her.

But her daughter couldn’t let go so Maya had taken her to see him, her presence there to coax him out. She raps on the door.


The door opens a fraction and his face peers out. She blinks, surprised at his appearance. His perpetual stubble had grown into a beard and his dark eyes gaze out, red rimmed. He looks drained and older but his eyes brighten at her and his mouth starts to smile. She casts her eyes down and he does the same, seeing Nadia who grins hugely at him.

“Daddy? You look so different.”

He gasps audibly and looks back up at Maya. She stares at him with indifference and his eyes narrow before squeezing closed in pain. The door bangs shut in their faces.

Nadia would not stop crying, unable to understand what was happening. Maya took her struggling daughter in her arms and held her tight and rocked her. “I’m sorry baby, sshh…”

Nadia like this made her feel sick but the look of pain on his face sent a vindictive thrill through her. He had kept her prisoner for years but now she had the power to do the same. Always had that power over him.


Maya lies on her back, looking up at the clouds in the blue sky. She was thinking of moving into one of the houses at the edge of the town, just close enough so keep in contact and get the provisions she and Nadia would need. She didn’t think he’d come for her and even if he did she wasn’t running.

The sun shone over her and she soaks up the heat, breathing in the smell of the earth and grass. Her eyes close and she listens to the tress swaying, the rustle of the leaves and the birds within them.

She’s on the cusp of sleep when a new sound reaches her ear. It’s off and on, hardly worthy of notice but she can’t ignore it when it suddenly comes again. It’s a drone, faintly humming every few minutes. She lies still just listening and not breathing.

The sound suddenly issues loud and her eyes spring open and she sits up, blinking sunspots from her eyes as she searches the sky intensely.

“Dios…dios…” She rises to her feet, hand over her eyes as her mouth hangs open. It was, dear god it was! Her mouth stretches into a huge grin and she starts running.


He was the first person she thought of and she still doesn’t know why.

“Gabriel?! Gabriel?” She bangs on the door excitedly, smile still on her lips as she breathes hard. She had run all the way here. He doesn’t answer but the door clicks open, swinging inwards. She slips in, the atmosphere suddenly very oppressive for all the light streaming into the room.

Paint splatters the walls, some finely while in other places the walls are covered in it, hands prints visible. She walks through a maze of canvases and easels, they are everywhere depicting the same scene. Empty rooms.

“Gabriel, where are you?” She moves around a large canvas and stops suddenly, looking down. He’s on his knees, shoulders slumped while a canvas is set up before him, cloth over it. He turns to her and she takes a step back.

White eyes, a total inversion of her old black eyes.

“You’re here…” His voice trembles with disbelief, cracks and he sounds younger, tone not so low. He smiles and Maya flinches. He’s sunk deep, jittering madness coming off him in pulses. Just as the smile appeared it vanishes and he becomes distraught, looking back at the hidden painting. “I hid it, I don’t want it to be like the rest…”

She scowls and walks before him, hands clasping his shoulders. “Gabriel! I heard a plane! A plane Gabriel!” She smiles at him, can’t stop herself. He stares at her for a long unblinking moment before he starts to laugh hysterically at her. Maya lets him go and the smile falls. “What?!”

He doesn’t answer just keeps on laughing and Maya turns away with glare. She looks at the paintings, see that they show the Base rooms, all empty. She moves to the left and slips on something and looks down at a torn canvas. People walking through the gates. Out. She turns to look back at him with a confused frown “What is all this?”

He’s silent, rising up with a grimace and comes towards her. “They’re going to leave. All of them.”

kept woman 'verse, saya, fic: let go, heroes

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