Positive October Meme

Oct 06, 2010 00:27

 I've been watching this on verus_janus 's and dickgloucester 's LJs for the last few days, and I hope they won't mind if I join the party (if a little late . . . I'll bring wine ::g::).  I just thought it a lovely idea to try to note the positive things that happen on a daily basis that we sometimes take for granted, or allow to be swamped by the negative which is in ( Read more... )

flist, life, irish dance, good news, meme, fic recs

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Comments 7

therealsnape October 6 2010, 12:40:23 UTC
Wasn't Kelly's Christmas Carol gift fabulous? I've left a completely over-the-top, comment-limit exceeding review. I just love it to bits.
I'm glad the virtual birthday party (which was, thanks to all of you, so astonishing that it'll be my good thing for every day of October) resulted in such a wonderful tale for all of us to enjoy.

by the way, fab icon. Those colours are one of my favourite autumn things, too.


albalark October 6 2010, 15:00:55 UTC
Oh it was, indeed! :-) I saw your review and it was absolutely appropriate. Happy Birthday again, dearie ! And it was very generous of Kelly to share your gift from her with the rest of us. As I said in my review, you're a very lucky Birthday Girl!

Thanx re the icon - we're about half way to that brilliant blaze here, and it's supposed to be sunny and warmer over the weekend so I'm hoping to get out and enjoy it at least once!


dickgloucester October 6 2010, 13:33:46 UTC
Your daughter looks very sweet! How old is she?

And I think your sketch really captures a mood of disappointment and shame.


albalark October 6 2010, 15:07:05 UTC
Thanks - she is! :-D Missy M is 11 years old and will be 12 in mid December, so I think she's maybe a little older than your #1.

And I think your sketch really captures a mood of disappointment and shame.

That's sweet of you to say - it was what I was aiming for. One of my major regrets in life is that I never took drawing lessons, so I've never gotten past a sort of cartoony style that never does justice to what I have in my head. Maybe someday! ::g::


kellychambliss October 8 2010, 12:33:28 UTC
Your daughter is a doll in a couple of senses (don't tell me you sing and do high-level science and make costumes, not to mention writing well and knowing a lot about lit? I'm impressed, Renaissance Woman.) She really is cute, your little girl.

And thank you so much for the kind words about the birthday story; it was such fun to write.

What I want now, though, is homemade apple pie. It was my favorite dessert as a child (even beat out ice cream and chocolate). And it's still the tradition I love to come back to.

Have you ever encountered an apple variety called "Macoun" (pronounced "Macowan")? I've only ever seen it in NY and CT, but it's by far my favorite sort. I like my apples really crisp and really tart, and the Macoun is the best I've had in years.


albalark October 9 2010, 01:32:06 UTC
Renaissance Woman LOL ( ... )


kellychambliss October 10 2010, 15:47:10 UTC
I generally feel pretty ordinary.

Well, based on what I've seen of you, I hope you will allow me politely to disagree /g/.

I know from reading past posts that you have a son. How old is he?He turned 14 in June; he's in his first year of high school now. It's my partner who is his birth mother, but I claim him, too. He's the sort of kid who gives me a lot of hope for the future: he's clever and kind and funny and interested in things, and he's an excellent artist (imo). He goes to a specialized art school in NYC (one of the things I love about NYC is that they have these specialized public schools.) Friends keep warning us that he's going to hit teenage surliness soon, but so far, I haven't seen evidence of it ( ... )


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