Positive October Meme

Oct 06, 2010 00:27

 I've been watching this on verus_janus 's and dickgloucester 's LJs for the last few days, and I hope they won't mind if I join the party (if a little late . . . I'll bring wine ::g::).  I just thought it a lovely idea to try to note the positive things that happen on a daily basis that we sometimes take for granted, or allow to be swamped by the negative which is in constant supply.  So without further ado, my first five positives for October:

October 1st: I drove my daughter to a feis (an Irish dance competition).  Normally several hours behind the wheel is not what I'd consider a fun activity, but the weather was beautiful, and we talked and laughed and sang the whole way to our hotel. The trip flew by. :-)

October 2nd:  I got to watch my darling dance in her Halloween costume (Rag Doll), and damn if she wasn't the cutest thing on the stage (not that I'm prejudiced or anything). ::g::   I took numerous horrible pictures (a photographer, I am *not*), the best one of which is below.  My girl is in the middle.

She took home one 1st, for her Traditional Set dance, two 3rds , for her reel and her slip jig and a 5th for her treble jig, so she was pretty happy.  Then, on the way home, we drove by two of the largest pumpkins we'd ever seen (one about the size of a Mini-Cooper!) being towed on on flatbed trailer.  We made up stories about where they were going, what would happen to them when they got there, and how they ended up so big in the first place all the rest of the way home.

October 3rd:  A day spent doing the usual weekend household chores, all crammed into a single day, but I finished in time to make it out to our favorite orchard before they closed.  I bought a gallon of the best apple cider I've ever tasted and a mix of apples which I turned into the obligatory pie that evening.  My dear ones ate it with ice cream, and I ate it with a slice of ultra sharp cheddar melted on top.  Yum!

October 4th:  My ESL class went relatively smoothly, and a quick look at the quizzes I gave only made my head hurt a little. ::g::  The two hours I spent waiting at my daughter's dance class were actually used productively for a change.  My husband actually had dinner most of the way done when I got home!  minerva_fest  began with a truly wonderful piece.  I got to bed before 2 AM!!

October 5th:  My lead post-doc came back from a meeting with the news that her poster had been singled out in the end-of-meeting address as one of the highlights.  The person who gave the recap is an editor at Molecular Cell, so I think we'll send the paper that we're working on there. :-)    I posted the first piece of "art" I've ever drawn for a challenge, over at obviouslysnape  .  Make no mistake, it's a rough sketch on a piece of notebook paper, but it turned out well enough that I felt comfortable sharing it.  Somehow, my mediocre artistic abilities offend my senses less than my mediocre fic writing.  :-P   And . . . it was therealsnape 's birthday, and kellychambliss  wrote a truly marvelous parody of Dickens' A Christmas Carol in her honor.  All in all, a pretty fabulous day!

flist, life, irish dance, good news, meme, fic recs

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