Jul 12, 2009 12:05
Age: 26
Height: unknown, but I'd say average. 355 is taller than him, at least.
Weight: average.
Medical Info: He's completely healthy, considering he's the last man on Earth.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Physical traits: Yorick's not built like a brick shithouse or anything, but he has a decent body and does do some physical training, especially later in the series. For the most part he looks like any early-twenties guy you'd find on the street. He does have Ampersand with him most of the time, and he usually sits on his head or shoulders.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: I'm taking him from before the point where they go to China, so absolutely nothing from that part of the story onwards please.
Abilities: Yorick is an escape artist! He can pick his way out of handcuffs, escape straitjackets, and break the lock on a one-way underground bunker. Whilst he can't break out of EVERYTHING - there are certain handcuffs he can't beat, for instance - there's a good chance that if you restrain him in a normal fashion, he'll figure out a way to get himself free. He's also learned a few self-defense things from Agent 355. He's not super at it but he CAN fight if necessary.
Notes for the Psychics/Empaths: Yorick thinks about his girlfriend a lot :( and the plague that killed all the men :( and the fact that Agent 355 doesn't watch TV and can't appreciate his many references :(((. There WAS a time just after the plague where Yorick was suicidal in a special way, but he's since had it literally beaten out of him. He's mindful of it though. Otherwise he's pretty open.
Notes for the magically/spiritually sensitive: Nada.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Go for it o/ IT'S HIS LOT IN LIFE.
Maim/Murder/Death: Talk to me first please.
Kissing/Hugging: Everyone else does, so why not you? |D
Cooking: He's competent but nothing special. There isn't exactly a lot of meat around anymore to cook, anyway.