On the financial front, perhaps check out www.mint.com . All they do is track your expenses and tell you where your money goes, but you can set up budgets for things, and it will automatically track them, and it will also tell you how you can save more money by switching to accounts with better interest rates n such. I haven't been able to put my car loan in because there's no website for it, but perhaps it can show you a way to consolidate?
I've sorta got one like your other blog - anon but tracking, accountable, and trying to sort it all out. However, I'm sporadic and jump all over the place. http://jugglingresources.blogspot.com/
Comments 2
I've sorta got one like your other blog - anon but tracking, accountable, and trying to sort it all out. However, I'm sporadic and jump all over the place. http://jugglingresources.blogspot.com/
Also, way back when I consolidated my loans with ACS - Affiliated Computer Services. https://www.acs-education.com
I hope this helps some. :)
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