fanart for 'Renjipunzel'; other fanart pimpin'

Jun 18, 2008 12:39

I have two fanarts to pimp today! As always, click to see the full versions of the pics and leave comments on the artists' galleries.

One is a gift fanart for my borderline crack fic 'Renjipunzel', by
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shunsui, renji/ichigo, fanart, pimpin', bleach

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Comments 16

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akuni June 18 2008, 15:45:49 UTC
I am, I really am. ^_^


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akuni June 18 2008, 15:46:33 UTC
Crack is good for the soul. :D

And Shunsui is yummy, we mustn't forget to appreciate him!


2metaldog June 18 2008, 16:02:40 UTC
Shelagh does such gorgeous work *happy sigh*. I am quite fond of Shunsui with Grimmjow. Dunno why.


akuni June 18 2008, 16:08:05 UTC
You know, I'm not a Grimmjow fan at all, and I tend not to like reading about him unless it's as a villain (though I admit to having read him with Ulqui in the past >_>), but I really enjoyed your interpretations of them in the ficlet I read. It was strange, but it worked.


2metaldog June 18 2008, 16:58:46 UTC
Kitty!Grim new to the world of man loving is just so... adorable in my head. Gawd, if any one can teach him things about that pleasure, it's Shunsui *leers*.


akuni June 18 2008, 17:00:33 UTC
*snicker* Oh I just bet! I figure Shunsui's got experience in just about every kind of lovin' there is. :) He strikes me as an "as long as everyone's having a good time" kind of guy.


xshelaghx June 18 2008, 16:50:01 UTC
very cute renjipunzel pic XD

thanks for the pimpage <3


akuni June 18 2008, 16:53:43 UTC
I can't stop snickering at the crown. XD

Pimpage is vital! Everyone needs to see the awesomeness that is your art. Since you don't xpost it, it falls to me to spread the love from time to time. *ponder* I guess that would make me the High Priestess of Shelaghart or something... do I get a funny hat? :D


xshelaghx June 18 2008, 17:07:10 UTC
sure make yourself one of those newspaper hats XD I can scan a page from Curious George if you need instructions


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akuni June 19 2008, 00:09:44 UTC
I know, isn't that hysterical? :D

YES OMG! I've been asking for Ukitake for years now! XD Seriously though, I don't think there'll be an Ukitake, at least not anytime soon. Other stuff needs doing first. :)


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