FMA & CivV [spoilers]

Jun 11, 2010 12:43

Mostly squee ahead.  Spoilers abound for both. :)

FMA ending thoughts )

fullmetal alchemist, squee, game, geek stuff

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Comments 2

despina_moon June 11 2010, 23:58:25 UTC
Well, I'm happy to see you! But I do understand the lurker mode--sometimes that's the best way to go.

I've never followed FMA, but I like what you had to say about the ending. The fact that it has an ending is a plus.

Thanks for sharing.


akuni June 12 2010, 16:59:24 UTC
Thanks! :) I've got a lot of other things going on right now, so it's just easier if I don't let myself get too caught up.

A proper ending is a joyous thing. I don't know why good endings are so hard to find. I've got a list as long as my arm of stories that either just dribbled off into nothing or had endings that were a kick in the teeth. I'm not one of those fans who needs everything "my way", or all tied up in a neat little package, but sometimes I want to ask the creators what they were smoking. Just because something is over and you don't have to deal with what happens next isn't a reason to go nuts or trash everything that went before.


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