FMA & CivV [spoilers]

Jun 11, 2010 12:43

Mostly squee ahead.  Spoilers abound for both. :)

FMA final chapter was terrific.  Action, resolution, romance!  I was a little sad at first that Greedling was being separated, but of course I was glad that Ling would be able to be his own man again and be a good emperor.  And Greed finally got what he wanted, which was nice; he was an interesting character that I never really appreciated until the Greedling merge.

Ed grew!  Hee hee hee!  I was shocked at how much taller he'd grown than Winry between the two hugs.  And Al drinking milk was a fun nod.  Mei grew, too, which is nice.

The photos at the end were delightful - puppies!  And babies!  OMG.  That was the most adorkable sorta-proposal I've ever seen.  Oh Ed, you're lucky she understands you and still loves you anyway. *g*

I was happy for everyone's ending.  I know Roy and Hawkeye will take care of the country together, and everyone will continue their lives.  Including the Ishvalans, which is great.

The only thing that surprised me is Ed giving up alchemy.  Holy crap.  That's pretty big.  But I like that he's still going to study it; he still knows the science of it, and his insights will help make alchemy better.  Awesome. :)

In other news, the new Civ5 website went live, and oooooh the animated/voiced leaders are nifty.  I was so excited after watching them all, and I went to a couple different forums to see what others thought.  Which just made me annoyed at the world.  Generally people are pretty happy with this as-yet-incomplete info, but there are always a few rotten apples.  Whining and bitching about having to wait for an expansion for , griping about why every entry doesn't have the same amount of info, etc.  It's a WIP FFS, this is a PREVIEW.  It's a special treat (well okay, and a marketing ploy, but still), not a slap in the face.

Reminds me why I am in lurker mode most of the time these days, as I was mentioning in a convo to someone else just last week.  Right now I'm happier just enjoying things in my own quiet corner.

fullmetal alchemist, squee, game, geek stuff

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