FMA 107 [spoilers all over]

May 12, 2010 14:44

Big spoilers under the cut for anyone who wants to squeal about the latest FMA chapter. :D  I don't have an FMA icon (wut?!) so have a Fizzgig instead. :)

OH MY GOD.  Al!!  I was tearing up badly, not because it was sad (though it sort of was) but because the emotions were simply overwhelming.  Beautifully done.

And GreedLing... oh Greed.  I never expected to like you, but with Ling's influence you're not so bad.  You could have what you really want, if you tried.

I'm mostly in shock at how much of a punch this chapter packed.  We've been waiting for this since day 1, and I thought it happened in a great way.  Though now I'm wondering about Ed's leg, and how that'll work.  Is he gonna rip it right off of Truth when he goes to fetch Al? *g*  Seriously though, I think Ed will end up keeping the automail leg, for a lot of reasons that I'm too \o/ to want to type up just now. :)

Guh.  Awesome.

fullmetal alchemist, squee

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