TV talk - The Big Bang Theory

Apr 28, 2010 17:37

We just blew through all three seasons of The Big Bang Theory.  What a fun show!  It was similar to when we watched Avatar: The Last Airbender - funny half-hour episodes that you just gobble up like candy until they're all gone and you're looking around for more.

They're still tv people, but they've got the basics of Geek Life pretty well.  I have those discussions, about comic books and sci-fi and... well, I just really get a charge out of seeing it all presented in a positive way.  Sure, they still take the cheap shots (like the denizens of the comic book store and what the presence of a female does to them), but exploiting a stereotype for comedy is a tried and true sitcom staple, so I expect that.  Plus, really, it is funny. *g*  Even if the guys at my comic shop have no trouble dealing with me and the other regular female patrons.  I think being fellow geeks trumps the girl factor.

I have a huge nerd-crush on Sheldon.  I know, I have no idea why, it's just... he's really adorable, even if you'd want to choke the life out of him if you had to spend five minutes in his company. :p  And yeah, I know it's wrong and not gonna happen, but I ship Sheldon/Penny like burning.  :D

So who else watches? :D

the big bang theory, tv, squee

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