Bleach fanfic - False Alarm

Oct 30, 2008 20:29

Title: False Alarm
Author: Akuni
Universe: Bleach
Genre: Romance, Humour, WAFF
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ichigo/Urahara
Spoilers: SS arc
Word Count: 1198
Summary: Ichigo can't get a minute's peace with Urahara around.

A/N: Oh my goodness, I did it! conjure_lass and I challenged each other to write against our happy ending natures for the Halloween “Come As You’re Not”Read more... )

come as you're not, fanfic, urahara/ichigo, bleach

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Comments 25

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conjure_lass October 30 2008, 23:46:03 UTC

We're in the same writing group, we've spoken more than once, and you didn't know that i'm like...the CAPTAIN of this ship?


At any rate, I thank you for keeping Aki motivated, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten muh pairing! *swoons*


akuni October 31 2008, 03:59:39 UTC
You haven't been quite as obvious as the rest of us who drool over our ships. *g*

I'm surprised how easy it was to write this. Maybe because Urahara can get away with just about anything? :D

So pleased you liked your reward. ♥ Hopefully it'll take some of the sting away after you post your angst tomorrow.


akuni October 31 2008, 04:02:23 UTC
LOL that idea just wouldn't leave me alone. I was going to use it with Yoruichi, but I never got a good bunny, and it fit too well here.

Thank you again, so much, for your help. ♥


ruyu October 31 2008, 03:47:42 UTC
Bwhaha! I loved it when Ichigo goes in for the kiss and finds paper instead. I felt like an idiot because I didn't see it coming. *Can't you tell that I'm easily pleased*

The ending was also funny. "scheming wheels turning* - yep, that's Kisuke for ya!


akuni October 31 2008, 03:55:20 UTC
I'm so glad I'm not the only one easily amused. *grin* I have to credit Mosh for the reappearance of the fan. Don't feel like an idiot - Ichigo didn't see it coming, either, and you really never can tell with Urahara.

Thanks so much for the comment! ^_^


aurorarose1414 October 31 2008, 08:29:48 UTC
Leave it to Urahara to fake a hollow attack just to get Ichigo in bed with him. *grin* This was so cute and you're right; this pairing is highly addictive. ^_^


akuni October 31 2008, 11:43:12 UTC
I don't know if I really want to find out where Urahara will draw the line when it comes to getting what he wants. :P

I'm glad you liked this! I wasn't sure if anyone other than conjure_lass would be in the mood for gratuitous fluff. ;)


aurorarose1414 October 31 2008, 20:22:24 UTC
Hahaha. Urahara is the grand puppet master. I don't think anything would stop him from getting what he wants, especially when it involves a naked Ichigo. ^_^

*eats gratuitous fluff with a spoon* nom nom nom. My two favorite types of fics are angsty and fluffy.


akuni October 31 2008, 20:23:14 UTC
*laugh* Totally!

Oh good, that means you'll hopefully like the other one I posted this afternoon... ;)


spikykun October 31 2008, 21:07:28 UTC
“Come inside, and we’ll play ‘naughty shopkeeper and the eager young schoolboy’.”

Oh god, I think I busted a rib.

Yay for fluff, even though I don't actually ship them. Truth is, I'm afraid of reading that angsty Renji/Ichigo you posted, as I full heartedly support happy endings.

(Will totally read it tomorrow anyway ><)


akuni October 31 2008, 21:23:29 UTC
*snicker* I really, really love that part. Urahara is perfect for a little bit of kinky fun. I don't actually ship this, either, but I gotta admit it was fun to write.

Happy endings! \o/ You know I support happy endings, too. Writing that other piece was heartbreaking, and I'm so glad that I have a fun RenIchi fic to post next week to balance it. :)

Thank you so much for reading! ♥


spikykun October 31 2008, 21:30:02 UTC
And Ichigo plays along, too. Such a bad influence, that shopkeeper.

OMG for real? You tease. Now I'll be excited all week until you post *flail*


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akuni November 1 2008, 00:03:51 UTC
Heehee! Urahara is a naughty fellow - and that's how we like him!

Everyone loves the fan bit! I love the fan bit. Thanks Mosh, for the best part of my story. XD


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