"I swear to you it was born out of purely creative reasons." lol@that.

Mar 13, 2008 17:22

It's official: WB are making Deathly Hallows into two films.

For the record, I think it's great. But thank God they're being clever and doing a Lotr and filming both the parts at the same time. And they're releasing them (or aiming to) about six months apart, which I think is a good time period.

Where do you think they'll end "Part I"? I think the ( Read more... )

hp: warner bros yes, {polls}, hp: film 7

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Comments 14

fitzette March 13 2008, 17:42:49 UTC
Also, I posted Harry/Ginny/Draco fic. You might want to ... go and read it.

uh, I might want to inject it directly into my veins.


akissinacrisis March 13 2008, 17:45:49 UTC


fitzette March 13 2008, 17:55:09 UTC


shocolate March 13 2008, 18:06:10 UTC
connielane has convinced me they should end it as the disapparate away from the Lovegoods', having found out about the Deathly Hallows...


akissinacrisis March 13 2008, 18:08:55 UTC
Oh, yeah, there's an idea ... but how much happens after that? *thinks* *very much needs a reread*

*starts getting movie!icons out again*


reallycorking March 13 2008, 22:18:01 UTC
I WANT TO GO READ IT. D: D: aldkfj must wait till I leave workkkk....

Yeah, annoying with basic accounts, eh? Or, at least with the not actually TELLING us they're getting rid of basic accts. Whatever, LJ.


akissinacrisis March 13 2008, 22:38:30 UTC
Srsly, lj. Do they think they're being really sly? The way I've found out is through my flist going "what is happening?" I just ... ugh. Why do they have to keep being such dicks?


inksplotched March 13 2008, 22:22:29 UTC
What's this about basic accounts?


akissinacrisis March 13 2008, 22:42:53 UTC
Apparently, you can't create new ones anymore. I haven't tested to see if it's true, but it's exploded all over my flist.


inksplotched March 13 2008, 23:06:35 UTC
That... is insanity.

What about plus accounts?


akissinacrisis March 14 2008, 20:02:31 UTC
Nah, they still exist, because they still make money from them. >/


excitedrainbow March 14 2008, 20:31:50 UTC
I think this news is made of WIN, barring the sad fact that Kloves is doing the script :(

I reckon the best place would either be when Ron leaves, or just after/before Ron comes back. Depends on whether we want the end tones of Part 1 to be despairing, hopeful or scary.

DAVID YATES YAYYAYAYAY! He is such an awesome director, honestly, I have absolute faith in him.

Harry/Ginny/Draco whatnow?! *runs off to read it*

I saw that note about no more Basic Accounts they sent us - We're still working out how to strike just the right tone when communicating with such a diverse and complex collection of communities.

I - I did not have the words to express my anger after reading that. They hid it away in a FAQ update, hoping no-one would notice it, and then said it was to make things easier for new users. rahaeli's response was bang on the money. And then they send out that note to everyone - the spin and patronisation they feed us frustrates and baffles me. We are intelligent enough to see through stuff like this, and calling a cowardly evasion of ( ... )


akissinacrisis March 16 2008, 12:24:34 UTC
Despairing, always.

Yeah, that line was the one which pissed me off. The 'right tone' might be the one they actuall, y'know, tell people what's happening. And, oh yeah, the 'three options is too cluttered' made me day.

Also, their bullshit skills are poor. I can do it better than that.

You know who's cool? SABINA FUCKING PLEASURE.


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