"I swear to you it was born out of purely creative reasons." lol@that.

Mar 13, 2008 17:22

It's official: WB are making Deathly Hallows into two films.

For the record, I think it's great. But thank God they're being clever and doing a Lotr and filming both the parts at the same time. And they're releasing them (or aiming to) about six months apart, which I think is a good time period.

Where do you think they'll end "Part I"? I think the best place is when Ron leaves and Hermione's left wailing around in the forest, as
cambrynsaid donkeys' years ago. Oh, and what do y'all think about the return of David Yates (the director of OotP and HBP)? I don't really have an opinion on that; I only saw OotP twice (!) and I don't have it on DVD. (Again, ! I really need to rectify this.)

Also, I posted Harry/Ginny/Draco fic. You might want to ... go and read it.

eta: No more basic accounts wtf? WHAT IS THIS?

eta 2: Is there anything I love more than an Alex Rider book? No, there is fucking well not.

hp: warner bros yes, {polls}, hp: film 7

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