HWTF: Time of Death

Mar 25, 2008 00:12

Today (or technically yesterday, because it's now Tuesday in the Uck)
madlori, the Harry Potter fan fiction author known as Lori, declared Hero With A Thousand Faces, the third in her well-known, nine-year-running, Harry/Hermione action-adventure series, dead.

What exists of the penultimate chapter and a summary of how it all would have ended can be found here.

I will probably read the ending summary when I've reread the entire series (or at least HWTF), but I was just now flicking through random favourite chapters, and I am filled with final squees for Napoleon, for Laura, for the Master, for Allegra - oh, for Allegra - for Sukesh (!!! Remember Sukesh?), for "There you go, hon. Would you like some marmalade? Or maybe a little sex with Harry?", for the Buffy!crossover, for "It's nice to finally meet you...Mother", for Harry going crazy and playing the piano ... and one final last cheer for zen!Ron, who I will love until my dying day.

The series can be found here.

This fic was my introduction to het, practically my introduction to fan fiction, and my introduction to LiveJournal. Excuse me while I get teary.

Congratulations, Lori. It may be unfinished, but it's still one hell of an achievement.


p.s. I don't know if anyone reading this is a Lori-reader, but if you spoil me for this, I will cut you.

hp: fanfic

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