because the wording made me lol I thought she was doing it to make a point. Then I realised that it was because my age isn't registered in my profile.
No, that's not the reason. LJ still knows your age even if it's set to private. Probably what is happening on this person's journal is that he/she has flagged their entire journal as "Adult content" or whatever. Which just puts EVERYTHING under that stupid lj cut. Great, eh? You'll never really know now if what you're clicking on is porn or not.
If you're registered on LJ as under 18 years old (and it doesn't matter if you change it--they go with the first age you registered as--yeah, I had to root through comments in lj_biz to find that out) you won't be able to see those posts at all, I don't think. At least the ones that are flagged as "explicit content" or whatever.
So all the thirteen-year-olds have to do is log out?
HELLO as well. Thanks for the info, darlin! Also, thanks for existing, because that Tam Lin fic that was written for you is made of so much love and it has melted my heart. *is a puddle* ♥
You can fix it. Go here:, and then to the bottom of the page. Click on 'Do Not Collapse' and 'Do Not Filter,' and if you're registered over 18, the cut won't show up for you.
I'm being cautious about Ballet Shoes, but the news that the dudes from Cranford have written it makes me muuuuuuuuch happier :D
Oh lol, I think everyone is a snob about fandoms which they aren't part of ;)
Actually, I find this whole adult-content stuff more amusing than anything else, simply because they think that it will work, when you've just pointed out a huge flaw that has in essence been made before.
Oh LJ, how you fail. What's even better/worse? It is now owned by the Russians LOLOLOL.
It makes me giggle that SA has ditched it, after all this palava. I suppose they are just covering their asses (or arses ... or what's Russian for 'ass'?) but it does seem a bit ridiculous.
Comments 8
No, that's not the reason. LJ still knows your age even if it's set to private. Probably what is happening on this person's journal is that he/she has flagged their entire journal as "Adult content" or whatever. Which just puts EVERYTHING under that stupid lj cut. Great, eh? You'll never really know now if what you're clicking on is porn or not.
If you're registered on LJ as under 18 years old (and it doesn't matter if you change it--they go with the first age you registered as--yeah, I had to root through comments in lj_biz to find that out) you won't be able to see those posts at all, I don't think. At least the ones that are flagged as "explicit content" or whatever.
So all the thirteen-year-olds have to do is log out?
Yes. XD
Oh lol, I think everyone is a snob about fandoms which they aren't part of ;)
Actually, I find this whole adult-content stuff more amusing than anything else, simply because they think that it will work, when you've just pointed out a huge flaw that has in essence been made before.
Oh LJ, how you fail. What's even better/worse? It is now owned by the Russians LOLOLOL.
It makes me giggle that SA has ditched it, after all this palava. I suppose they are just covering their asses (or arses ... or what's Russian for 'ass'?) but it does seem a bit ridiculous.
It is ridiculous. I suppose they got approached and thought that it was the perfect time to jump ship ditch the crazy blogging people.
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