Important question, a few webchat musings, lj appears to be dicking around again ...

Aug 06, 2007 22:24

1. Which is cooler?

Poll V. Imp Question
2. I spent about an hour earlier today writing a long and rambling comment on buttfacemakani's journal arguing that it is important that Lily/a certain character could never have happened, even if certain character had made different life choices, because it increases the tragedy of certain character's life, and more importantly ( Read more... )

hp: fandom: wank, {polls}, hp: book 7, {recs}, hp: rupert grint has an ice cream van

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Comments 7

pumpkinpasty August 6 2007, 23:05:15 UTC
1. Rupert's ice cream van > all.

2. LOLZ at sinister!Aberforth. Hermione's amortentia was kind of unexpected, though -- his hair? I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that.

3. There are pretty much no words to describe how disgusted I am feeling with LJ at the moment. Partly because of this whole artistic-merit-thing, and partly because they're still hiding. I just want an answer, is all. x_____X

4. HAHA.

5. you are so fucking lucky I didn't write that last week.


6. Anything post-DH by biggrstaffbunch. :)


pumpkinpasty August 6 2007, 23:07:52 UTC
Sexy layout, by the way.


akissinacrisis August 9 2007, 11:40:24 UTC
So ... how kinky is your haircut fic?


tychoelite August 7 2007, 00:31:32 UTC
I think it's cute that David Thewlis' girlfriend asked to play Tonks, even though they didn't cast her. A lot of people don't like the actual casting choice for Tonks, but I disagree. Even though she's not my Tonks, she still works.


akissinacrisis August 9 2007, 11:41:37 UTC
Hmm. Difficult to tell if she works, when she only had about one line. The more I think about the film, the more I think that there was not enough Order.


excitedrainbow August 7 2007, 19:37:22 UTC
Lovely new layout :D

Hufflepuff hobbits! I love it. Hee, Luna's husband is strangely appropriate. This does not mean, however, that Luna didn't have relationships with Dean and Neville before she met Rolf.

LJ are being idiots. Le sigh.


akissinacrisis August 9 2007, 12:13:41 UTC
I sincerely hope you have bought Lee's terrible new charity single. ♥


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