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Comments 14

silly_izzy_me April 22 2007, 16:50:24 UTC


Yeah everywhere that there is something about the trailer, I squee about the suit. FOAJDFL SUIT. I'm thinking it's either Armani, or Louis Vuitton (just cause of the LV...I can't resist.) The only thing that ruins Voldemort in this movie is Ralph Fiennes. So basically...yeah that's kind the whole thing. EXCEPT FOR THE AWESOME SUIT OF WIN! I just wish his head weren't so...perfectly round and...squishy-kinda-short-wet looking.

I'm slightly more excited about this movie now. I am majorly excited about the breakout scene. But not so much about Bellena, cause she looks kinda fat :/. And Emma Watson...*shudders* I hate her so much.



akissinacrisis April 22 2007, 18:38:14 UTC
Louis Vuitton


The only thing that ruins Voldemort in this movie is Ralph Fiennes. So basically...yeah that's kind the whole thing. EXCEPT FOR THE AWESOME SUIT OF WIN!

Ahahaha yes! VOLDEMORT SUCKS EXCEPT FOR THE SUIT. I love that scene on the platform for its WTF-ery. The first time I watched it I was all THIS IS AWESOME, then the second time I was just going ...why? Oh well. That was probably my favourite part of the trailer. Along with Umbridge and the kissing. I like the stupid things the movie adds in the best :)

But not so much about Bellena, cause she looks kinda fat :/.

Try having Ginny as your favourite character. WB's hatred for her knows no bounds. Anyway, I think it's Bella's dress :D


silly_izzy_me April 22 2007, 19:24:40 UTC

Lol there probably is no reason why Voldy is at plaform 9 3/4 besides that WB felt like being cool by putting him in a suit.

I love how you go onto IMDB, Leaky, Mugglenet etc. and EVERYONE loves Fiennes and Watson etc. in the HP movies. But then on LJ and stuff, everyone hates or has some serious issues with the movies. And then you realize that's because everyone on LJ is over 12 x).

But meh I don't know; I think HBC could have tried to lose 10lbs or something, since Bella's all skinny because of prison.


akissinacrisis April 22 2007, 19:42:26 UTC
I love how you go onto IMDB, Leaky, Mugglenet etc. and EVERYONE loves Fiennes and Watson etc. in the HP movies. But then on LJ and stuff, everyone hates or has some serious issues with the movies. And then you realize that's because everyone on LJ is over 12 x).

OMG I KNOW. You can't stay too long in those places or you actually start to go mad, thinking you're the only one.


reallycorking April 22 2007, 19:13:31 UTC
I totally thought "UGH, GRATUITOUS HERMIONE HUG AGAIN" too, but then I realized that I think it's the canon one! Where Harry comes to Grimmauld Place and finds Ron and Hermione in the bedroom--then she flies toward him and blocks out the sun his vision with her hair, remember?

I totes hate the ‘Don’t fight him Harry. You can’t win.’ line as well. Wtf? :/

Suit=awesome but...why was Voldy hanging out on platform nine-and-three-quarters? o_O


akissinacrisis April 22 2007, 20:01:13 UTC
Canon hug - you are right.

I totes hate the ‘Don’t fight him Harry. You can’t win.’ line as well. Wtf? :/

It sort of goes against everything the books have ever told us, doesn't it?

On Voldy: my theory is that he's not really there - either it's a dream that V planted in his head (WRONG because V doesn't realise that he has the power to do that until Christmas) or it's just Harry going mad. And then Hemione will go 'Harry, are you coming?' and he'll snap out of it - AND VOLDY WILL BE GONE!


reallycorking April 23 2007, 14:38:18 UTC
DUH-age martha come on. voldy is not on platform 9 and 3/4, he is clearly, at this point, a figment of hazzas imagination.

and i will repeat again, you MUST think of the books and the films as very separate things. they do not and will not correspond in every way. ALSO do not get stressed over what is shown in the TRAILER. it is after all, a trailer. not the movie summarised. that is not what a trailer is.

good day.


pumpkinpasty April 23 2007, 01:22:01 UTC
I am not yet sold on Umbridge. Maybe it's the amount of time given over to the rebellion, rather than her evilness, but she doesn't come across as scary.

Okay okay okay, so. That actress who plays Umbridge, Imelda What's-her-face, was in this movie I saw the other day, Freedom Writers, and she played this batshit school principal. It was so bizarre -- she'd do this thing where her voice was all calm and then she'd start talking faster and breathing harder and her voice would get all pitchy and her pupils would get reeeeaaallly small and BASICALLY, she was insaneWhich has convinced me that she'll do Umbridge all right, assuming the writers have done Umbridge justice, or whatever. Which, um, okay. Nevermind ( ... )


akissinacrisis April 25 2007, 16:51:22 UTC
assuming the writers have done Umbridge justice

The crux of the situation, non? I have no worries about Staunton. I never have worries about any of the adult actors. It's just, in the book I loathed her, obviously, and I think I kind of like Staunton!Umbridge. She's sort of coming across as a bit badass. Much though I love the kissing bit (♥) don't you think book!Umbridge would have been more likely to just stand in front of the kissing people saying hem, hem until they noticed? And then you'd be all HOW LONG HAS SHE BEEN STANDING THERE? And then she'd sweetly threaten you with explusion, and then make a decree banning fornication. This Umbridge has got too much style. Also, at worst I think she'd come across as a bit annoying, rather than batshit crazy. Oh well, though. We shall see.

And still, the kissing. ♥

I suck because I thought the explosions were cool. XDXDXD There's one bit where they show Harry, like, casting some spell or hitting something, and then they cut to another scene where all of the decrees shatter, and I was ( ... )


akissinacrisis April 25 2007, 16:53:16 UTC
Also, at worst I think she'd come across as a bit annoying, rather than batshit crazy. Oh well, though. We shall see.

By this, I mean "she'll". Obv, Umbridge should be batshit crazy.


excitedrainbow April 24 2007, 13:47:36 UTC

Voldemort in a suit - he's the Godfather of Dark Magic, doncha know.

Umbridge and the ties and kissing in the trailer = LOVE.

And I loved Fred and George's exit.

Anyway, to explain myself before you think this is some random Net-surfer who is clearly lost and confused. I found my way over here after reading your fic, 'The Bravest and the Boldest' on FictionAlley, which I was really, really blown away by. It's probably going to become one of my favourite one-shots.

After clicking on the link, my first thought was "Ooh, pretty LiveJournal!" My second, after briefly reading some of your LiveJournal entries, was, "This person is made of awesome."

So, to sum up, because I should be revising instead of being weird and stalker-like curious and friendly, I'm friending you, if that's alright?



akissinacrisis April 25 2007, 16:58:45 UTC
*grins and dances* That's an amazing compliment, thanks! :DDDD

And I'm glad you're here, because LJ is the place to be. There's fic here which doesn't make it to FA; archiving is a pain in the arse.

because I should be revising instead of being weird and stalker-like

Story of my life.

Friending you back. So I can have a COOL BRITISH DR WHO FRIEND! Even though I have already missed two eps because I suck.


excitedrainbow April 25 2007, 19:35:06 UTC
Doctor Who rocks, simple as that :D

Aw no, 2 episodes! It's lucky that we have the Internet - www.alluc.org is amazing. Watch them there, if you haven't seen them already. OMG this Saturday's episode - when the Daleks finally see the Doctor, there will be Rose angst.

*fizzes with impatience*


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