Not the Snowpocalypse They Promised

Dec 15, 2008 12:20

But still cold.

Yes, Minnesotans and Wisconsoners can laugh merrily at us -- I freely confess at every opportunity that Seattle makes weather wimps of us all -- but dang. As I drove to work, the radio informed me that Seattle had warmed up to 27ºF with an expected high of 30ºF. Inside the office it's like 61º and steady. So here I sit at my ( Read more... )

skiffy, weather

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Comments 14

smofbabe December 15 2008, 20:40:43 UTC
If it makes you feel any better, you still have a perch from which to laugh at those below you on the weather wimp chain - Stephen laughed immoderately when we were in Miami Beach at the forecasters and TV anchors who were making a big deal out of the fact that it was going into the low 50s at night :->

Stay warm!


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smofbabe December 15 2008, 21:03:15 UTC
I actually grew up in Miami Beach and to be fair, when you're used to an unfailing 72 or warmer, 52 does feel cold. Plus the houses don't tend to have much insulation or decent heating systems: our house had vast expanses of tile floors with no insulation underneath and the only heating system was reverse-cycle room air conditioners. So, it did feel chilly even in what most other people would consider moderate temperatures.


akirlu December 15 2008, 21:20:01 UTC
Hal had similar experience visiting Southern California after most of a year in Seattle -- clearly your set points change depending on where you live.


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akirlu December 15 2008, 21:09:17 UTC
Don't be silly, of course the buildings have central HVAC. On the other hand, one of the joys of under-funded public buildings and lowest-bidder contracting is the probability that HVAC (and elevators, for that matter) will be under-powered and inadequate to the job it has to do. Add to that the fact that our office is in temporary quarters in a lofty concrete barn of a room that was originally meant to be the stacks for the law library, which in turn is in a brutalist building "designed" to be adequately heated or cooled only so long as there's positive air pressure inside the building, and you get some idiosynchratic indoor weather patterns.


akirlu December 15 2008, 21:56:08 UTC
Pamela reports that your furnace is out. Man, is that ironic or what? You may need to be careful about timing when bragging on the blessings of superior heat technology. Like, don't do it when the heating gremlins can make hay. Meanwhile, my sympathies to Pamela. She's a lot worse off than I am, at this point.


mjlayman December 16 2008, 05:50:12 UTC
About 32 years ago, I used to ride the bus to work, starting with wet hair and having ice on it by the time I got to the office in winter. The other women would be upset, but you don't get colds from iced hair.


shana December 15 2008, 20:43:43 UTC
Polar fleece is my friend. ^_^

I wear two pairs of silk underwear (it isn't bulky) beneath my work clothes, and a polar fleece cloak over it all. I get comments, but they're mostly favorable.

And I've been sick a lot less often since I started wearing the cloak.


akirlu December 15 2008, 21:14:12 UTC
I guess I'll have to get a second pair of silk long johns. Actually, I suspect I would be fine if I had just elected to wear my lined wool pants intead of unlined cotton cords. My torso is doing fine -- silk cami, plus cotton turtle neck, plus gigantic wool sweater is plenty warm enough, though some of my co-workers are wanting fingerless gloves to keep their hands warmer.


kate_schaefer December 15 2008, 20:47:49 UTC
I'm sorry I had to stay home in allergy purdah rather than go to that gathering. I've always enjoyed conversing with BigName Reclusive Author's spouse, who is witty, entertaining, and social, while watching BigName Reclusive Author be driven nutso by people who won't just talk about politics, or the weather, or varieties of infinity.


akirlu December 15 2008, 21:18:37 UTC
As it happens, Mrs. BigName Reclusive Author does not seem to have made it, although the Bears made it, and a couple of other interesting and less familiar faces. Sorry our fashionable lateness and the dander of dogs meant that we merely passed in the night on Saturday. When will you be out of purdah?


barondave December 15 2008, 20:49:02 UTC
I can't quite work my way up to "merriment", but I do feel a certain prideful amusement mentioning that here in Mpls, the temperature has spent the day rising to 0º.

Tea is good.


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