Title: My Former Lovers and Her Daughter ~Chapter 10~
Author: Ha-chan and her recent craziness (
akinoyama )
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Family Life, Romance, bit angst later…
Warning: AU, Hikaru’s girl, Terrible English
Pairing: Yabu x Hikaru, Yabu x OC
Disclaimer: The plot
Synopsis: Yabu and Hikaru met after long years. And each other’s past connected them in somehow
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Comments 3
*cries* this chapter was so...heart touching?~♥ idk what else to say...I love this♥
please Ojii-chan, just give in and let us reunite to be a complete and happy family >___<
lol at Otou-chan who was being spoiled to Okaa-chan, lovely~♥
will be waiting for the last part Ha-chan=)
I think he'll do it in the end... after convincing himself that otou-san is capable to take care of both of you...
LOL.... Otou-chan don't want to be left behind....
Hai... It'll come on the first week of August...
And Thank you for reading and commenting...
P.S. I've bought MODEM already.... ^^
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