Year 2008

Jan 18, 2009 21:46

I am getting to recapitulate every year more and more later, in 2010 I will recpitulate 2009 in June, I suppose :P ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

byslantedlight January 19 2009, 08:29:28 UTC
You're like me - I'm only just starting to think about recapping last year too! *g*

It doesn't sound like you had a very good 2008 either, but I hope there were at least some parts that you enjoyed - and may you 2009 be much better!


akin16sk January 20 2009, 21:22:33 UTC
I was following your journal and I know you had some rough spots yourself, so may this year be much better for us. Actually to be honest, October and November made up for everything bad, I had a trip to Japan and it turned out fantastic, so I shouldn't complain.


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