Year 2008

Jan 18, 2009 21:46

I am getting to recapitulate every year more and more later, in 2010 I will recpitulate 2009 in June, I suppose :P

In 2008 certainly came more changes than before; even though I had expected them, they proved to be quite challenging for me. Many people came into my life and some left or moved a little further away.
My caused me a lot of distress when I stopped physiotherapy in January. I was hoping to start playing tennis soon, because allegedly after a LCA surgery you are able to run around already after 6 months. Well that wasn't quite true, after six months I had such big problems that I was forced to go for a recheck to my doctor and then for knee injections, something I was hoping to avoid.
In summer I was quite depressed because of it. My knee was in such a bad shape that I was unable to walk properly, it hurt so much that my knee was literally giving under me only to relieve the pain and that happen almost every second step. At that time I was really down and I didn’t think that I would be able to walk properly again, ever. Thankfully, the injections helped a lot. It's still not perfect, but at least I am able to walk or even run.

In summer I also cried a few days because I almost lost my guinea pig, Keshu. She needed a surgery, what is a quite big deal by the small beasts already, but luckily the surgery went well. The problem came later when the stupid little thing tore out her stitches (as a second guinea pig in the whole history of the pet hospital), her guts were literally hanging out into my hand; I almost passed out. Nevertheless, she did manage to survive, my sweet little bloodthirsty beast.

In summer we started to plan the best thing of this year, our three weeks trip to Japan. It didn’t go without problems though, at times we were ready to jump at each other’s throat, I was even once very rude towards Janie, but we managed to plan everything perfectly and even our friendship survived it. Also thanks to the trip I visited almost all possible doctors including the first visit of my gynecologist, luckily everything went well, but I am so glad I have this step behind me.

I quit my job and after some problems (which are still persisting) I started in the new one, that's beginning of the new year and my plans are big. I want to work and start studying Japanese, my long lost dream. That's the goal I set up for this year, success in school and in work. I pray to be healthy and happy with my family, I can't ask for more.
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