Title: Catch Me
Pairing: Jin x Kame
Rating: NC-17
Genre - Catch Me: AU, angst, romance, smut
Beta by: my cat. okay, seriously, nobody
Disclaimer: I don't own KAT-TUN, any of its members, any other JE people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary - Catch Me: A dramatic turn in his life throws Kame into Jin's college world. Almost immediately they notice an attraction, but they spend more time clashing than not.
On my journal:
Catch Me, Lose Me, Find Me, Heal MeOn the akame_ Community:
Catch Me, Lose Me, Find Me, Heal MeOn the akame_fanfics Community:
Catch Me, Lose Me, Find Me, Heal MeOn the kattun_fanfics Community:
Catch Me, Lose Me, Find Me, Heal Me A/N: Oooh, the next morning... Italics are a little flashback with Jin and Yamapi.
Catch Me
Tenth Cut ~Awkward Times~
Things were a little awkward for Kame the next morning even before they left the bed. Not because of regret; Kame was actually happier than he’d been since before his accident and Jin had this big, goofy grin plastered to his face. It was just… he wasn’t sure what would come next. Do they tell their friends? Does this mean they are officially dating? What was this?
Kame had never been particularly good at lying or hiding things but on the other hand, he knew Jin had a reputation and he didn’t want to be the one responsible for taking that from him. Even if it would hurt, being treated like some dark secret.
Kame snuggled closer to Jin’s bare chest. This feeling, the one where you’re warm and safe and the world can’t intrude… he valued it. “You smell good…” After a long pause, he hesitantly continued, “Maybe we should, I don’t know, wait? Before we tell everyone. See where things are going? In case you… um, we… change our minds?” He was doing his best to give Jin an out, if he needed one.
Jin ran his fingers through Kame’s hair. “I’m not going to cha- Fuck!” And Kame could feel Jin’s body tense.
“What’s wrong?”
“I completely forgot! I maybe sort of might have possibly definitely said some things to Tat-chan last night before you got home.” Jin gave a bit of a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head. “When I was cry- complaining because I thought you ditched me. Stuff about liking you and the kiss…”
Kame was rather proud that he kept his voice flat when he asked, “Is… Are you ashamed of me, of having people know about me? About us? Is there even an ‘us’ at all? I’m… not sure how the dating thing works exactly… how do you know when you’ve started?”
“I’m not ashamed of you, Kame. That’s not what I meant at all. I thought you might be, you know, mad that I said something,” Jin answered quickly. All those questions… Jin just wasn’t sure how to answer most of them. What he did know was that he didn’t want to piss Kame off again. The bed was warm and Kame felt so damn good in his arms. “Dating just sort of happens, I think? You aren’t and then suddenly you are and it feels good. Or, I think it’s supposed to work that way.”
Kame pulled back to look up at Jin, curiosity in his eyes. “You don’t know? What about…?”
Returning Kame’s gaze, Jin responded with total honesty, “Those weren’t girlfriends, Kame. There was always something missing so I never…” He shook his head. “What about you?”
“With baseball and school, I never had time. But I don’t have that excuse anymore, I guess.” If Jin hadn’t known better, he would think Kame sounded bitter for a moment. But before he could say anything about it, Kame continued, “So… what do we call this?”
“Do we have to call it anything? Can’t it just, I dunno, BE?” Jin asked. Truth be told, he didn’t care what they called it or who knew about it or how much damage his playboy reputation would suffer. He wanted to hold onto those sweet, jasmine-scented kisses and that soft, pale skin and those welcoming eyes and electric touches. He wanted to pull Kame tightly to him and never, ever let go.
Kame laughed. “Well, that might work for us but it’s hard to tell others. If… I mean, you want to tell everyone…”
“What about what you want?”
“Me?” And Kame paused before answering, “I don’t like doing things halfway. If we do this, I don’t want to hide it… I mean, unless you…”
Jin put a finger to Kame’s lips, silencing him. “Hey, how about I make a promise to you, then? We’ll tell our friends we’re dating and if they don’t understand, I’ll just kick their asses for you.”
“You’re what?!”
That one was from Koki.
“We’re dating.” Jin nodded as he said it, glancing over at Kame with a smile as he settled himself down on the common room couch.
Faster than Jin could even blink, Koki had grabbed Kame’s arm and was shaking it vehemently. “Tell me he’s lying! You’re my Turtle Boyfriend, aren’t you? Since when are you gay?”
“But Koki, didn’t you hook up with that redheaded girl last… night…” Junno began but a glare from Koki silenced him mid-sentence.
“That’s different. She was a girl. But if it was a guy I wouldn’t have, because I already have my Turtle!”
“Not your boyfriend, Baldie. Didn’t I say that before?” Kame rolled his eyes and giggled cutely. Sometimes Jin wondered if his friends realized they were in college and not grade school.
Jin sincerely hoped he hadn’t promised Kame something he’d be unable to deliver. But these were supposed to be his friends. Surely they’d understand. Because it’d be a hard battle if he had to fight all five of them at once like he told Kame he would. Ueda might not look it at casual inspection, but he was quite the boxer. But Jin wasn’t so worried about him, not after their conversation last night. And Koki was fairly predictable. It was the other three that concerned him.
Junno seemed to not care in the slightest, which was great because he could be very hard to predict, though he was usually pretty cheerful.
Maru was pulling Koki away from Kame in an attempt to calm him down and save poor Kame’s arm. He dragged Koki away from the group and the two of them started talking. Jin couldn’t hear most of it, except for Koki’s occasional, “But… but…” Which, as best as Jin could figure, meant Maru didn’t have a problem with it either.
Yamapi was the one Jin was most concerned about, especially when his friend’s very first reaction was to choke on his soda. But Jin had a suspicion that Yamapi’s shock was tied to an event from last semester and not because he had a problem with Jin dating Kame specifically.
The threesome.
Neither Jin nor Yamapi had ever tried this before. It was all over some stupid bet, anyway. They had kept a tally of conquests for two weeks and it was the last night and after Pi’s upset of hooking up three times the night before the score was once again tied. They needed a tie-breaker and if they both hooked up with someone, the score would remain tied. So they decided they should find just one girl who wouldn’t mind being with them together and then have her decide.
But when they got her back to the room, things got awkward. They kept getting in each others’ way and went to ridiculous lengths to keep from touching each other. Eventually, the girl got frustrated with both of them.
“Obviously you two are just repressing and don’t need me here. Have fun fucking each other.” And she left.
They tried to call after her, explain that they weren’t gay and that they didn’t like each other that way and if she would please come back, they’d show her. But it was too late.
Both Jin and Yamapi were sure the rumor of their supposed love affair would spread to every corner of campus within a week. Things remained awkward between the two of them for three weeks and any time they spent alone together was filled with strategies to deal with the rumors when they finally reared.
Only it never happened and things eventually settled down between the two friends.
After all of that planning and fear to keep people from thinking they were gay, Jin just strolled into the common room with no hesitation and told the world about his new boyfriend. But the girl had probably forgotten all about that threesome attempt by now. Yamapi’s reputation would stay safe. Jin was sure of it. At least, as sure as he could be.
And once Yamapi stopped choking on his drink and the shocked expression faded, Jin saw him dip his head in the barest hint of a nod.
Thank God. No ass-kicking required.
The story continues:
Eleventh Cut ~More~