Title: The Things We Can't Control
prettyoriannaPairing: Akame. Others to be added later.
Rating: NC-17.
Genre: crime drama au
Beta by: my cat Gemma. and
maeda_marikaDisclaimer: I don't own KAT-TUN, any of its members, any other JE people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary: Two criminals with vastly different styles meet by chance one day. They immediately clash but is that all they'll ever be? How much is fate and how much choice? And how will their meeting change the world around them?
Author's Note: Here you go. A bit rushed and all but hopefully you'll like it anyway.
Warning: This gets graphic often occasionally, containing at the very least foul language, character death, nefarious crimes, rape, etc etc.
The Master Posts:
On my journal -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_ Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the je_kamenashi Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the kattun_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the jin_fics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostChapter 108 ~Favor the First~
The first chance Kame got to talk to Shuta was late in the afternoon. Yurina was either still asleep or just not in the mood for company because she hadn’t come out of her room yet. He couldn’t blame her for sleeping in because he didn’t get up before one in the afternoon himself. The first thing he did was call the prison to get word to the twins that it was all over and that everyone was safe.
Shuta looked even worse than he had last night. But Kame didn’t even have to ask anything because the first words out of Shuta’s mouth were, “What else could I do, Kame?”
“So you knew this wasn’t about the money.”
Shaking his head with a hiss of pain for the movement, Shuta said, “I knew, but I also knew I couldn’t stop her. I had to keep her safe. That I could do.” A pause. “Or maybe I really couldn’t after all, considering last night… God, if you hadn’t come when you did…” Hesitantly, he asked, “How is she? Did… did he hurt her? Did he touch her?”
“Not much. He mostly messed with her mind…” and Kame flashed back on that horrible video and for a moment he thought he was going to be sick just from the memory of it playing at Yasu’s house. “Not that that isn’t bad enough. But she’s a fighter. She just needs time. But what about you? Do you want to go to the doctor?”
Shuta didn’t answer. He just stared in the direction of the bedroom door with a worried look.
“Doctor who?”
“Do you want a doctor?”
Shuta turned towards him once more. “Did you give back the money?”
Kame nodded.
“Then we can’t afford it.” Apparently he could see that Kame was about to protest because he quickly added, “But I’m pretty sure nothing’s broken so it’s okay. Really.”
Guess he had to be content with that.
Yurina finally came out of her room a bit before dinner. She didn’t say much but something was definitely different in her compared to just a few short days ago. Better, really. Well, yes, she seemed more lost and definitely exhausted. It would take a while for everything that happened to fade. She’d be fine though, just like he told Shuta. Kame was sure of it.
She spent the next few days waiting hand and foot on Shuta. Even though he told her it wasn’t necessary and it wasn’t really her fault, it seemed she felt incredibly guilty over the beating he took. Not just that, but for convincing him to lie to Kame and for putting him in the position of having to clean up the mess she made and more than once at that. After a couple of days, Shuta stopped arguing with her and just let her help him.
Kame was glad, to be honest. It was clear the two of them had grown so close over the months and that’s something the both of them could really use right now. Not that they didn’t care about him because he knew they did. And he’d keep doing his best for them both. For all of them. They were a family. Maybe not in blood but just a strong. Stronger, even.
But Kame knew he’d never see Yurina as more than a beloved sister whereas it seemed like Shuta could be and indeed possibly wanted to be something more.
Kame hadn’t planned on going back to see the twins so soon but he got a cryptic call the following Saturday from one of the prison guards asking for his presence on Sunday for - in the words of the guard - A Thing. The man wouldn’t get more specific than that and as this was the first time anything of the sort had happened, Kame was naturally curious and filled with no small sense of worry.
Shuta was still healing from his beating and Yurina didn’t want to leave him all by himself when he still had trouble getting around so he ended up taking the bus again. Though he’d let Shuta drive them all home from Yasu’s house because it was the only way out of there, he didn’t want to have to ask Shuta to drive when just walking was so painful for him.
The twins were already waiting for him when he got there but they weren’t alone. One of the other prisoners, a man named Katsuo that Kame recognized as one of the three men he now owed a favor to for the information that allowed him to save Yurina and Shuta, was sitting across from the twins. It looked like the three of them had been locked in a heated argument which he had interrupted.
“So you survived it after all…”
Part of him thought he ought to be insulted that the man didn’t expect him to succeed but mostly he felt he couldn’t blame him since Kame was pretty sure he wouldn’t succeed as well. In fact, he still couldn’t believe it. He was just grateful.
Best not to say that, though. Taking a seat in the only empty chair, he said, “Of course I did.”
“So confident…” the man laughed. “I guess you’ll have no trouble doing this for me, then.”
From Akira, “I told you, he won’t do that. Even if he owes you it will never happen.”
“He is sitting right here. What exactly do you want Katsuo-san?” though if the twins were so sure he was going to refuse, it was probably pretty bad.
“I want you to get rid of someone for me. A drug dealer.”
“A rival, you mean…” Akira said. “You just want him to take out the competition before you’re released next month. He’s not an assassin.”
“I heard differently…” and Katsuo murmured but didn’t press the issue, instead saying, “Besides, I’ve been trying to tell you this isn’t just a hit. When I refused to sell to her, my cousin bought her heroine from him. He used her and he did it because he knew it would piss me off since I’m in here and can’t stop him. That was bad enough but she’s in the hospital now. He beat her so badly she nearly died and all because she wanted to help her friend get away from him!”
Kame sighed. It wasn’t like this sort of request was completely unexpected but, “I won’t kill him just for revenge.” Hadn’t that been the point he made to Yurina after everything?
“And I said that it isn’t like that. God, you’re as bad as these two!” Katsuo-san looked annoyed by this point. But there was something in the man’s eyes that screamed it was exactly that. Nevertheless, he continued with, “Jiro’s got this boy and Ayumi became friends with him. She didn’t like the way he was treated and she tried to help him leave but Jiro found out and had his men beat her. All she wanted was to help her friend and now she can’t.”
“Jiro?” and Kame couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice. “This is about him?”
Katsuo’s eye lit up. “Yes, him. So will you do it?”
Sighing again, Kame said, “I told you I’m no assassin. But I will see what I can do for her friend.”
“Do that,” Katsuo-san said, “and we’re even.”
Katsuo-san excused himself and the guard took him back to his cell. Aoi shook his head while Akira said, “He lies. The story he told you is probably true but really he just hopes that in the process of helping that boy, you’ll have to kill Jiro. If you don’t or you fail completely, he’s lost nothing but if you succeed then either Jiro will be dead or Jiro will know what it feels like to have something taken away from him.”
“I want to help him. The boy, I mean.” He still remembered that blond-haired boy Jiro kept around. He also remembered how Jiro punished people who pissed him off. “I’m not sure I have the resources, though. I gave Yasu’s money back to him.”
Akira and Aoi exchanged looks before Akira said, “We spent most of our money on our lawyers and then the civil suits but you are welcome to have the rest of it, if it’s for such a good cause. Will you help him?”
Without so much as a second thought, Kame said, “Yes. Yes, I will.”
The story continues:
Chapter 109 ~Strangeness and Miracles~ *new - Mar 30*
A/N: Well, there you go. Now you know who the next rescue is. Sort of, anyway. More details to follow. First, back to the present though.