Just because I felt like sharing

Dec 21, 2005 02:07

I won a prize at the church event on Sunday. Breath spray ( Read more... )

christmas, randomness

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Comments 7

haydenthorne December 21 2005, 17:00:55 UTC
I have a feeling that if I were to use that thing, my head will catch fire. ^^;


aka_anonymous December 21 2005, 18:00:00 UTC
*Cracks up*

I love you, Lo.


haydenthorne December 21 2005, 18:08:19 UTC
*licks you*


svz_insanity December 22 2005, 01:12:09 UTC
I'm not sure whether to be amused or to be completely horrified that such a thing exists.


aka_anonymous December 22 2005, 07:30:03 UTC
I'm amused and I plan to whip it out at our next worship service. ^___^

My pastors have great senses of humor. (In fact, I know that if they heard that, one would instantly turn to the other and say, we have to, we're married to each other, after all.)


demeter918 December 25 2005, 09:34:33 UTC
Oh... my... inexistent diety...

There really is someone up there with a sense of humour. XD

By the way, I would love to see everyone in one swoop since I have such a limited amount of time in the states; anyway next week, maybe Monday or Tuesday we can go up the ferry and stay a night and a day?


aka_anonymous December 25 2005, 15:03:38 UTC
*Snuggles close* I can't wait to see you! I want to hear about everything!

Is that next week as in the starting the 25th or the first?

Oh, and Merry Christmas! XOXO


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