Various events of late have put me in mind of a Taoist story I once heard. I have found a paraphrased version which goes as follows...
A man named Sei Weng owned a beautiful mare which was praised far and wide. One day this beautiful horse disappeared. The people of his village offered sympathy to Sei Weng for his great misfortune. Sei Weng said
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Comments 4
You OK mate?
"When travelling about his business, it may happen that a samurai will encounter a sudden shower of rain. He may hurry down the road and take shelter, but by doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, he will still get wet. If he is determined from the outset, he will not be perplexed, although he will still get the same soaking.
"This understanding extends to all things."
Zen Buddhist rather than Taoist, but another excellent quotation about forbearance.
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