Drabble: Going Deeper

Jun 18, 2010 07:14

Title: Going Deeper
Author: AiyokuSama
Fandom: Batman
Characters: Jason?
Rating: PG-13, language
Warnings: minor spoilers for BftC and B&R5
Disclaimer: Just borrowing, don’t own.
Word Count: 235
Authors Notes:  This is a continuation of THIS drabble.

There is a gunshot.  Which isn’t unusual.  Not in this city.

But this one he hears.  He listens to.

He feels.  He doesn’t know why.  It hurts.  Things haven’t hurt for a while.  Everything has been numb and he would just.  Sleep.

He doesn’t want to hurt.  He doesn’t want to remember.  He just wanted someone to understand, but that was really too much to ask.  And he shouldn’t have been surprised that Bruce didn’t.  He never had, not really.  He’d never believed him about Fillipe.

No, don’t think about that.  It will bring the pain back, the fear.  He can’t.  He can’t deal with that.  It’s the same repetitive whisper, over and over, reminding him that he doesn’t have to.  That he can just sleep.  Sleep sounds nice.  A luxury he’s not used to.  And sleep doesn’t hurt, he doesn’t even have nightmares.  He doesn’t have anything and there is a certain amount of peace to that.

It’s.  It’s wrong.  He knows it’s wrong but he can’t figure out why.  Things used to be important.  He had plans, things that need to be done, people he had to deal with.  Yet, now he can’t even call up their faces, let alone why he should care.

Sleep.  Just sleep.

But I don’t want to.

Sleep.  Just sleep.

I can’t, I have things to do.

Sleep.  Just sleep.

Maybe.  Maybe a little more would be okay.

drabble, jason

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