Week 10: Submit

Jul 01, 2006 10:47

General Theme

Seven Deadly Sins:

This week's General Theme comes as a suggestion from morilorin, and I really like it! If you're not sure what the 7 are, then you can check them out here, or here if you fancy reading loads more than you need to (including Latin names).

Lyrical Theme

This has been stuck in my head for days, so hopefully this will purge it from my brain... I wouldn't mind so much if I knew the words ^^' You only need Two words! It's only a short song really, so be creative with which two consecutivve words you pick & have fun!

by Soundgarden | Listen?

Feel the rhythm with your hands
Steal the rhythm while you can, Spoonman
Speak the rhythm on your own
Speak the rhythm all alone, Spoonman

Spoonman, come together with your hands
Save me, I'm together with your plan
Save me

All my friends are Indians
All my friends are brown and red, Spoonman
All my friends are skeletons
They beat the rhythm with their bones,

Feel the rhythm with your hands
Steal the rhythm while you can, Spoonman

Thank you, good night people

Lyrics from Unofficial SG Homepage

Image Theme

It's such a fun image, and I love seeing the boys in formation... Take & use whichever part of the image you want to.

Submission Rules:
.>> You may enter up to 2 icons, but each must be for a different theme. For example, you can have one for the general theme and another for the image theme, but not two for the general prompt.

.>> Submit following this format:

Theme: General/Lyrical/Image

URL: http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j25/SimCa25/layout/agaw1.png

.>> Your deadline is Friday, July 07, 11:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. Have fun!

.>> Don't forget to have your say & cast a vote for Week 9!

week 10, theme

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