Sorry for the lateness! I wanted to finish my Health class; then my mom took over the computer. *^*; At least we got two more icons in the end! Thank you. ♥
Voting Rules:
.>> Two icons for best overall in order of preference.
.>> One icon for special category [ Best Caption ]
.>> Select a different icon for each category otherwise your vote will be discarded. Follow the following format when voting:
1st: 43
2nd: 27
Special: 50
43, 27
Although obvious, please remember not to vote for your own icon. If you do, we will ask you to re-vote. Voting ends Sunday, July 2, 8:00 PM Central Standard Time.
{ none }
{ none }
{ none }
Spiral-chan should have the new theme up sooner or later depending on whether she's asleep now. ^^