Ode to IAM: Concrit Meme

Apr 07, 2012 17:47

Generally memes such as this involve participants posting a certain number of icons, and asking for feedback on what can be considered as a small portion of what they actually have to offer. This concrit meme is doubling as an experiment to see what happens when the basic rules are given an overhaul, and a slightly different (but slightly more... personal) adaption takes place. Bear with it, trust, and let's see if a new way of concrit can be born.

+ Reply to this post with your username and link to where your icons are posted (either community, personal journal or elsewhere). Please note if the community is friends only.

+ People willing to leave concrit will reply with:
1. What they believe to be one/some of your overall iconing strengths.
2. What they consider could be one/some of your iconing areas for improvement.

+ To aid people in this, feel free to link to 3-5 icon posts which you believe showcase your best work. Note: These do not have to be recent posts. They can come from any time your wish. Feel free to also leave personal notes about anything you believe are a strength or area for improvement, just to get the ball rolling.

+ Please do not feel compelled to writing multi-paragraph responses. Start simple (and anonymous) if you feel overwhelmed. No one expects a novel, and everyone appreciates a few sentences of feedback.

+ Replies can be anonymous. However... WANK FTL. If you're going to be critical of someones icons, please don't be an ASS about it. Find a way to be constructive without being rude. Respect is all anyone can ask for while putting themselves out like this.

+ This vague an idea leaves much space for comments to become more personal rather than constructive criticism. To those who reply to have their style judged, and to those leaving comments, please remember above all that style is subjective, personal preference differs, but in the end of the day we simply want to improve through effort.

+ If you have any questions, please feel free to address them to me here and I will try to respond as punctually as I can!

+ Some links on how to leave helpful constructive criticism:
How to give good concrit by obaona | LIMS Voting Guide by chacusha | Good Concrit Check List by icons_concrit

http://aintafairytale.livejournal.com/38776.html" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/WbCxz.png">
MY THREAD | http://aintafairytale.livejournal.com/38776.html">JOIN THE FUN

UP NEXT: A slightly less structured "Under Someones Radar" Icon Maker Appreciation

-ode to iam

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