Митинг за активацию ленд-лиза 12 марта в 13:00 у Белого Дома

Mar 10, 2023 06:06

Украине нужен ленд-лиз, чтобы защитить себя от агрессора, а мир - от Третьей мировой войны.
Митинг за активацию ленд-лиза 12-го марта в 13:00 у Белого Дома в Вашингтоне.

Спросите вашего конгрессмена, почему закон о ленд-лизе до сих пор не работает?
Закон вступил в силу еще 9 мая 2022 года.
То есть 10 с лишним месяцев тому назад.
Действие закона о ленд-лизе заканчивается 30 сентября 2023 года.
Менее чем через 7 месяцев.

Образец письма и ссылка на правительственный вебсайт внизу под этим текстом.

Sample of the letter to your senator or congressmen:
Зразок листа вашому конгресмену:
Образец письма вашему конгрессмену:

Dear congressmen, we, the citizens of the United States of America, would like to draw your attention to the following facts:
     For almost 70 years, America was preparing to defend itself against the criminal-communist government of the Soviet Union. The NATO bloc was created specifically for this.
     During this time, a huge amount of weapons and ammunition was accumulated in the United States. This can be seen on satellite images that are publicly available. Thousands of tanks, thousands of MLRS, thousands of artillery systems and planes, which are preserved and in storage. These are weapons of past generations, morally obsolete, which will never be used by the American army. And which, most likely, will soon be melted down as scrap metal. But which is extremely necessary now in Ukraine.
     For almost a year now, the bloodiest and biggest war in the last 70 years in the whole world has been going on in Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of people died, hundreds of thousands became cripples, thousands were tortured and raped. Millions of women and children are forced to become refugees. The civil infrastructure of Ukraine has been almost completely destroyed, entire cities have been wiped off the face of the earth.
         The whole world shuddered when it saw what was happening in Buch, Irpen, Izyum, Kherson and many other cities and villages that were under Russian occupation for only a few days. And we can't even imagine how many people are being destroyed in the territories that have been under the occupation of the Putin regime for almost a year, where its mobile crematoria operate to destroy evidence of war crimes.
      If in 1994 Ukraine had not given up its - the world's third nuclear arsenal, under the security guarantees of the United States of America, Great Britain and Russia, Putin would never have dared to go to war against Ukraine.

The main reason why this war continues until now is the extremely insufficient number of weapons and ammunition in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
On December 3, 2022, in an interview with the English publication The Economist, General Zaluzhny had to ask the world community for weapons: at least 300 tanks, 600-700 infantry fighting vehicles and 500 artillery systems. Almost two months have passed, but Zaluzhny has not received any of the above, except for promises to provide 50 infantry fighting vehicles and 31 tanks. Although even 10% of the weapons accumulated in the United States would be enough for Ukraine to expel the invaders from its territory and end this war.

In April 2022, the Congress of the United States of America, by an absolute majority of both chambers and both parties, voted for the Lend-Lease Law for Ukraine. On May 9, President Biden signed this law. But until now, this law does not work without good reasons.
     Therefore, based on the above, we, Americans of Ukrainian origin and all citizens who care about the fate of Ukraine, call on the Congress of the United States of America to immediately create a commission and consider the question: "Why Ukraine has not received enough weapons so far, and why the Lend-Lease Law does not work, which was voted on by Congress nine months ago.”
     Each of us, in due time, will appear in court before the Almighty and answer the question: "Did you do enough to stop the criminal Genocide in Ukraine?"
    “ If you refrain to deliver those who are drawn unto death,
and those who are ready to be slain;
     if you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
does not He who ponders the heart consider it?
And He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
And will He not render to every man according to his works?”
                  Bible. Proverbs 24:11,12
Sincerely, the voters are your brothers and sisters

Please visit this governmental website where you can easily find your members of Congress using your zip code and directly paste this or your own letter

Байден, гражданское движение, военная помощь Украине, Путинская война против Украины, США

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