Feb 21, 2012 20:01

TITLE: Love in Silence
Author: ailaling1017
Genre: romance, fluff
Warning/s: yaoi, language
Disclaimer: I wish.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: kid!KyuMin; side: SiChul; EunHae
Verse: alternate
Type/Status: One-Shot; Complete, 3,542W
Summary: No words were needed between Kyuhyun and Sungmin. Love is enough.
A/N: Requested by Zee heezica; Kyuhyun is 7 years old, Sungmin is 5.


It was a fine sunny day and little Kyuhyun thought that it was a good day to go out and let his game consoles have a day off, once and for all. His umma had been nagging him to go out and make friends for the longest time, but little Kyuhyun did not understand. The Protosses and Zergs were his friends, weren’t they? Still, little Kyuhyun finally conceded and decided to drag his butt to the nearest village park across their house - resolute on finding his very first real-slash-human friend. He just hopes that his game consoles were still there when he gets back though.

Little Kyuhyun padded onto the kitchen and tugged at his mother’s apron. He kissed his umma’s cheek lightly and told her he was going to this playground that all the kids at school were raving about, whatever this place was. Little Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows, which a lot of people said that he got from his dad, when his mother flailed, hugged him tightly, and told him that she was proud of him. He supposed it was a good thing since his mom had told him the same thing when he won the Math Olympiad at school. He just didn’t get what was so special about going to the park so he just shrugged his little shoulders and left through the front door, paying no heed to the flash of the camera when his mother snapped a shot just before he went out.

Little Kyuhyun walked to the intersection on the end of their street and greeted the traffic aide politely, just like how his father told him to address all elders. Mr. Shindong ruffled his hair and blew his whistle; he then helped little Kyuhyun cross the ped-train lane or something - those white lines on the road that they were taught about at school.

As soon as little Kyuhyun reached the other side of the road where the park entrance was, he gave Mr. Shindong a little salute and pranced into the entrance. Little Kyuhyun’s eyes widened as he saw that there were so many children running about with their friends. He sighed bitterly, perhaps if he had come earlier, he would have gotten himself a friend of his own too. He turned to leave, his head bowed low when he caught something pink in his peripherals, making him whip his head back.

Little Kyuhyun smiled as he realized that he still had a chance. He bounced on the balls of his feet and approached the sand box wherein a little girl was playing by herself. She was clad in pink baby shorts, a white tee with a bunny print, and a matching bunny hat that complemented her outfit.

Little Kyuhyun stepped inside the sand box and edged in closer to the girl - realizing for the first time that the kid was actually a boy since he read “Mama’s Boy” on the kid’s bib. He grinned proudly at this, thinking that he was really smart for being able to read and comprehend things like that at his young age. But then, he noticed that the other hadn’t budged one bit and continued to ignore him. He scowled at the kid’s stooped form and pouted, glaring daggers at the two Ken dolls that were stealing his future friend’s attention. No one had ever ignored little Kyuhyun in the past and he was getting mildly upset; especially that he really wanted this boy to become his friend, no, best friend! So, Kyuhyun thought of an idea.

“Hello! My name is Kyuhyun but you can call me Kyu. I’m seven years old and I live across the street, in that white house with the apple tree at the front.” Little Kyuhyun beamed, face dropping when said kid continued to ignore him and started to bend the Ken dolls’ legs towards its heads.

Little Kyuhyun actually felt sorry for the toys but said nothing about it. Instead, he kneeled beside the kid and nudged him a little. Little Kyuhyun felt happy as the other finally turned to him and faced him with wide doe eyes. He thought it was his chance to make his move.

“Um. What’s your name? How old are you?” Little Kyuhyun asked, confused when the other merely flailed his little hands for a while and shoved his palm onto his face.

“Errr. I see you like dolls. You know what, I have robots and toy cars at home. Have you heard of Transformers? They’re really cool! Plus, my sister has these Barbie dolls. They’d make perfect matches for your Ken dolls. Would you like to see them?” Little Kyuhyun tried once again, disappointed to see that the other merely reverted his attention back to his dolls.


Little Kyuhyun’s ears perked up as he heard the all too familiar sound - his favorite sound of all time, actually. Just then, he thought of a brilliant idea. He slid his hands into his pockets and smiled. He knew the other would love what he was about to do. Let me see him deny this, he thought.


“Ya! Weirdo! Playing with your stupid dolls again? You faggot!” A kid stopped his bicycle in front of the silent child, drawing dust in the air which caused the playing child to cough violently.

“I knew it. You’re such a sissy. Now, why don’t to you hand me those dolls and let me give them a makeover? I think those legs need amputation.” The bully sneered, edging in closer to the whimpering child who held his dolls closer to his chest.

Just then, little Kyuhyun got back to the sand box, an ice cream cone perched on each hand. He scowled as he saw a familiar kid hovering over the little boy he wanted to befriend. As soon as he heard the boy whimper, he hurriedly stepped back into the sand box and called the bully’s attention.

“Ya! Kim Ryeowook! What are you doing!?” Little Kyuhyun confronted his classmate from school, bringing himself up to his full height.

“Who the hell are you to talk to me like --- oh, Kyuhyun-sshi. It’s you.” The boy who had been so confident minutes prior seemed to fold into himself, bowing low as he recognized Kyuhyun.

“Yes. It is me. What were you doing to this kid?” Little Kyuhyun questioned, daring the other to lie.

“Uh - I was just talking to little Sungminnie about his dolls. I wanted to give him tips on how to dress them nicely.” The kid Ryeowook stammered, hands fisting at the hem of his shirt.

“Oh really? That doesn’t seem like what I heard you said though.” Little Kyuhyun sneered, enjoying the way the color from the other’s face drained little-by-little.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Ryeowook suddenly kneeled in front of Kyuhyun, clinging to his leg like a koala.

“Get off me!” Little Kyuhyun scrunched his face in disgust. What a coward.

“I won’t do it again, Kyuhyun-shii!” The other stuttered as he brought himself back to his feet, looking up at Kyuhyun with pleading eyes.

“You better. Now scamper!” Little Kyuhyun snarled, only to call other boy just before he mounted his bike. "Ryeowook!"

“Y-Yes, Kyuhyun-shii?” Ryeowook reluctantly turned around, shrinking all the more under Kyuhyun’s penetrating gaze.

“You’re doing your Math homework yourself from now on.” Little Kyuhyun smirked before he crossed the remaining steps between them, dumping the ice cream cone which had the chocolate flavored ice cream on Ryeowook’s head, the latter bursting out in tears at once.

Little Kyuhyun watched with mirth as he saw Ryeowook pedal his bike in record speed, struggling to escape. He almost forgot about everything when he felt something cold drip onto his palm. He frowned when he saw the pink ice cream starting to melt into his hand. He panicked as he realized that his “gift” was now ruined. He nervously licked the melted ice cream on his hand and at the sides of the cone. When he deemed his “gift” presentable, he immediately went back into the sand box and knelt beside the boy who had his knees folded up to his chest.

“So, you’re name is Sungmin, right? Hi Sungminnie! I got you ice cream! I saw you liked pink, so here!” Little Kyuhyun extended his arm and offered the ice cream to the boy, disappointed when the boy whimpered, as if afraid.

Little Kyuhyun realized that he may have looked scary back then. He mentally face palmed as he recalled what he did. Now how was he gonna make friends?

“Sungminnie. Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. I just dumped the ice cream on Ryeowook because he bullied you. Understand? Come on, eat it. It’s for you.” Little Kyuhyun cooed.

It seemed to have worked because little Sungmin reached out his pudgy little hands and accepted the ice cream, licking away at it happily as little Kyuhyun heaved a sigh of relief. As little Sungmin finished the ice cream on top of the cone, he pushed it back into Kyuhyun’s hand. The latter was worried as he thought that little Sungmin didn’t like his “gift” but smiled when little Sungmin pointed to his mouth, urging him to eat as well. Little Kyuhyun complied, biting into the cone and eventually finishing the treat. All the while, little Sungmin stared up at him with amusement, his cuteness almost unbearable for little Kyuhyun who wanted to squish his cheeks so badly but decided against it. He wasn’t gonna compromise his chance at friendship for a mere squishing of cheeks. No, just no.

As soon as little Kyuhyun finished the ice cream, little Sungmin jolted up and ran out of the sand box. Little Kyuhyun was so shocked so he ran after little Sungmin, a smile making its way onto his face as he saw the latter staring at the swing as if in deep thought. He took the initiative and lifted little Sungmin up off the ground. The boy sure was heavy for his age but little Kyuhyun did his best and managed to hoist him up onto the swing. He heaved a deep breath thereafter, wiping the sweat off his brow when little Sungmin nudged him with his index finger. Little Kyuhyun understood what the younger wanted so he made his way towards little Sungmin’s back, gently pushing the younger. He was delighted to hear little Sungmin’s squeals of happiness, and he gradually increased the force he applied so that little Sungmin was happily swinging high up the air in no time. Little Kyuhyun grew tired; the other kid’s weight, after all, was no joke. Still, he didn’t mind and continued to try his best to push the other. Being tired was a small price to pay for the friendship he was sure he gained.

Just then, a voice from somewhere near the park’s entrance gained their attention. Little Kyuhyun stopped pushing and halted the swings with his hands, face dropping as little Sungmin dismounted off the swing and paddled towards a young woman without so much as a sideways glance at him.

Little Kyuhyun’s shoulders stooped. He thought he made a friend but Sungmin didn’t seem to want to be his friend after all. He wanted to cry, he really did. Perhaps, if he had given Sungmin two ice cream cones, the boy would have liked him back. He sniffled a little and prevented his tears from falling. After all, his uncle Youngwoon always reminded him that boys don’t cry.

As little Kyuhyun stared longingly at Sungminnie who was now happily cuddled in his mother’s arms, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He was shocked to see his umma looking down at him with fond eyes. He noticed that she had a camera slung on her neck and was about to ask her why she was even here when she pushed him a little to walk towards the direction he had been looking at for the past minute or so.

“Donghae! It’s been a long time since I last saw you! Is this Sungminnie already? The last time I saw him was when he was still a baby! Aigoo, so cute!” Little Kyuhyun stared up at his mother with wide eyes. How did she know Sungminnie?

“Oh my gosh Heechul unnie! Indeed, it’s been so long! We just came back to Seoul two weeks ago and I’m taking little Sungminnie here out to play. He gets fussy at home so I figured that a little fresh air would help. How about you?” The brunette muttered excitedly, setting Sungmin down next to Kyuhyun on the ground.

“The usual. Siwon’s out at work. I just went to fetch Kyuhyunnie here. This kid isn’t used to going out so I worried that he may have been lost or something.” Heechul chuckled, patting her son’s back.

“Mom!” Little Kyuhyun protested indignantly. He certainly wasn’t going to get lost. He was a big boy already. And he was intelligent, remember?

“Woah! Kyuhyunnie? Is that you? I guess you don’t remember me anymore. I’m auntie Hae. I am one of your god mothers. Here, a little something to make up for the missed birthday presents when I wasn’t here.” Sungmin’s mom chuckled and ruffled little Kyuhyun’s hair, the latter smiling in glee as the woman handed her a twenty dollar bill.

“Thank you auntie! Can I borrow Sungminnie for a while?” Little Kyuhyun chirped, and grabbed little Sungmin by the wrist without even waiting for the latter’s mother’s reply.

The two mothers could only laugh among themselves as they watched their boys run towards the ice cream truck. Little Kyuhyun let little Sungmin choose the flavor he wanted and the latter, not surprisingly, pointed at the strawberry flavored popsicle. Little Kyuhyun got two popsicles for little Sungmin and another two chocolate flavored cones for him. They sat on the bench adjacent to the ice cream truck, their mothers forgotten as they were immersed in their own little world.

Little Kyuhyun thought that having a real friend wasn’t so bad after all. If all friends were this cute, he thought he’d gladly forget his Protoss and Zerg friends. He just hopes they don’t get mad at him though. They can be mean when they want to, or when little Kyuhyun wants them to whenever he made them fight the enemy teams, anyway. Still, he thought that spending time with Sungminnie was so much better.

Just then, his umma and Sungmin’s umma walked up to them, telling them that play time’s over and that they have to go home already. Little Kyuhyun and little Sungmin pouted simultaneously, but their mothers were having none of it. Finally, the kids conceded when their mothers promised to let them play again the next day, and the day after that, and so on and so forth.

Little Kyuhyun clung to his mother’s hand whilst little Sungmin was cradled in his own mother’s arms. The four of them carefully
crossed the street; again, with the aid of Mr. Shindong. Little Kyuhyun got curious when they stopped on the house before their house. He was shocked when little Sungmin wiggled out of his mother’s arms, the woman not able to do anything but to put him down.

Little Sungmin tugged little Kyuhyun by the collar of his shirt and stood on his tiptoes. He closed his eyes as he placed his lips on the elder’s. Both mothers squealed in joy at the cuteness and little Kyuhyun could vaguely register the camera shutter that sounded. Little Sungmin let go of the other and waved at his dazed expression before running towards their front door.

Sungmin’s mom gave little Kyuhyun one last pat on the head before she, too, went inside the house. Little Kyuhyun walked the remaining distance to their house without paying his mother any heed, feeling as if he was walking on cloud nine.

Kyuhyun couldn’t help but think that the ice cream had indeed, worked its magic.


12 years later.


Kyuhyun was jolted out of his reveries when he heard something being pelted on his window - the glass tinkling as pebbles were being thrown at it. He edged in closer to the window and scowled, hands on his hips in an attempt to scold the offender.

“Ya! Are you trying to break my window? You can get arrested for public disturbance, don’t you know that?” Kyuhyun said in a mock stern voice as he lifted the window pane.

The other figure on the adjacent window merely stuck his tongue out on him, giggling as he scribbled something on a sketch pad and turned it for Kyuhyun to see.

I’m 17. I can’t get jailed. You, on the other hand… HAHAHA

Kyuhyun shook his head as he read the writing.

“Why you --- Wait ‘til I get my hands on you!” Kyuhyun shouted back as he hastily hoisted himself up on the window sill.

He climbed up the ledge and hopped onto the tree branch with practiced precision, jumping onto the window ledge of the other’s house with ease, just like how he did this past several years.

Sungmin didn’t even have the chance to react when Kyuhyun successfully made it into his room and tackled him onto the floor. He giggled uncontrollably as Kyuhyun attacked his sides, paying attention to his tickly spot just where his hip bones jutted out.
Kyuhyun didn’t stop until Sungmin wheezed from too much laughter.

“Serves you right for making fun of me! Why did you call me by the way?” Kyuhyun said as he sat up, pulling Sungmin by the hand to sit as well.

Sungmin scampered for his sketch pad and scribbled once again.

You seemed to be in deep thought. I’ve been watching you for the past thirty minutes but you haven’t moved except for blinking. What were you thinking?

“So, you’re stalking me now too?” Kyuhyun chided, albeit playfully, yelping as Sungmin landed a well placed kick on his knee.

“Ow! Ow! Fine! No need to be violent. I was just reminiscing about that day when we first met. You stole my first kiss, did you know that?” Kyuhyun waggled his eyebrows, laughing to himself when Sungmin’s cheeks went as red as tomatoes.

Sungmin wrote something again and shoved it to Kyuhyun’s face.

I did not!

“Yes you did! Look!” Kyuhyun pointed at the picture frame on the wall - the image of a younger version of him and Sungmin. In the picture, Sungmin had his eyes closed while his very own eyes were as wide as saucers, their lips attached together in a chaste kiss.

Okay fine! Maybe I did, but I didn’t know what I was doing. I was five!

“And I was seven. You corrupted my innocent mind.” Kyuhyun chuckled, shielding himself from the punch that came his way.

Please! We both know you’re anything but innocent, even when we were children. Do you remember what you did to poor Kim Ryeowook? He’s still afraid of you, by the way.

“I was just defending you! It’s his fault he was a bully.” Kyuhyun pouted, crossing his arms on his chest to show his indignation.

Fine! I was just teasing. Anyway, you didn’t answer my question. What were you thinking?

“I told you. I was thinking about that day when we first met. You know what Minnie, you are my first ever friend.” Kyuhyun said, voice serious.

And I’m probably still your only friend.

“Ya! Changmin, Minho, and Jonghyun are my friends too!” Kyuhyun defended.

Changmin is your lab partner and you like that same game, that Craftstar or whatever. So being friends is a given. As for Minho and Jonghyun, come on Kyu. Those juniors are just afraid of you.

“You’re probably right. But it’s okay, you’re more than enough for me, Minnie.” Kyuhyun replied sincerely, preventing himself from giggling like a love struck teenager when he saw Sungmin blush once more.

Sungmin seemed to be uneasy as he fidgeted under Kyuhyun’s gaze, looking anywhere else in the room except at Kyuhyun.

“Minnie?” Kyuhyun uttered, his voice shaky.

Sungmin merely stared back at him and swallowed, feeling the intensity from Kyuhyun’s orbs send a shiver down his spine. Kyuhyun cupped Sungmin’s cheeks and leaned in, whispering the words that had been long overdue.

“I really really like you, Minnie. Heck, I think I even love you already. Can I kiss you?” Kyuhyun said cautiously, not wanting to shock the younger from his revelation.

To his relief, Sungmin merely shut his eyes and Kyuhyun took it as consent. He crossed the remaining gap between them and brought his lips towards Sungmin’s face. He pecked Sungmin on the forehead and feathered light kisses on each of his closed eyelids. He then trailed lower to the side and kissed the latter's cheeks, one-by-one. He heaved a deep breath before he finally let their lips meet.

Kyuhyun can’t help but think that something within him clicked in place. The kiss felt like a reunion of all sorts - a feeling of utter relief washing over his being as he reveled in the warmth that he had missed for over a decade.

Sungmin’s mouth may not be able to speak, but it can certainly do better things.


P.S. Sorry this took so long Zee. I just haven’t got the right feel for this. But here it is now!/bribes you with cookies
P.S.S. Second call. Any Thai ELF here?D;
P.S.S.S. Yes, Sungmin is mute but he is able to hear. The words in the conversation that were in italics were what Sungmin wrote in his sketch pad. =)
P.S.S.S.S. Unbeta’d. Grammar errors, misspellings, weird sentences and overall incoherence. You know the drill.
P.S.S.S.S.S. I've been writing too much I guess it's time to stop. LOL/bricked ~ SRSLY though. I'm going out of town two days from now so I guess it'll be long before I post again. So, take care everyone?/skips away
P.S.S.S.S.S.S. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated.

genre: romance, author: ailaling1017, pairing: kyuhyun/sungmin, genre: fluff, rating: pg 13, type:one-shot, pairing: kyumin, verse: alternate

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