Well, I got a pretty good response from the last two posts and I was asked for more so here ya'll go! XD
If you missed them:
Part I,
Part II.
This one is a tad longer, FYI. XD
Part III:
I LOVE that thing he's doing with his hand, it CRACKS ME UP LIKE WHOA.
Watermarks make me sad. :( But Patrick makes me happy so I suppose it evens out.
AWWWW!! Patrick & Pete: BFFs 4LYFE! ♥
Jeeze, even with an "I love Bingo" hat he still manages to look sexay! O_o ONLY Patrick could pull that off, I swear...
Even Patrick knows how awesome he is.
FOB on Happy Pills
FOB off Happy Pills...well, except for Joe, apparently, his don't seem to have work off yet.
LOL. I love this. I wanna know what they're laughing at Patrick for, though! Does anyone know?!
Haha. Dorks. ♥
Even Joe knows how adorable Patrick is, he's showing him off.
Haha. Too bad none of them will ever actually get to play basketball. XD ('Cause they're short, see?)
AW. Ickle FOB. *snuggles* And Patrick without a hat. O_o WEIRD, but cute nonetheless.
Is anyone else getting the urge to lick Patrick? ...or is that just me?
Patrick looks REALLY hot in that outfit...
I LOVE HIS GUITAR...as well as his crazy fashion choices. ♥
And now we're back to lip biting. -_-' I seriously think this man is trying to kill me...
Only Patrick could make that cute.
I'd slouch on the couch with you Patrick.
O_o *dies and is dead*
Jeeze. He's adorable as hell AND he has beautiful eyes. I'm jealous. :(
Again, only Patrick could make this cute.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Sing it, baby.
OMFG. *dies again*
LOL. Nice sunglasses, Trick. ♥
Again, I have plenty more. XD There will be a part 4 (my apologies to those who don't care about FOB and/or Patrick ♥)
Thanks for looking if you looked. Hope you enjoyed looking as much as I enjoyed posting!
...and now I'm going to go and continue staring at his adorableness. Peace out. ♥