Because I know my buddies over at my personal journal would probably prefer to not see this as they get enough of my fangirling already, I'm posting this here. XD Who knows, maybe someone other than me will enjoy it lol.
Yeah. I have way too many pictures of this guy on my hard drive, I mean really. XD I'm sure most FOB fans have probably seen a lot of these, but I'm posting them anyway. :P lol. Basically, these are some of my favorite pictures of the Rickster, ones where he's looking especially adorable (IMO anyway). SO, LET'S START!
PART I: (yes, there are multiple parts. XD I said I had too many pictures, didn't I?!)
Because sure it's watermarked, but the cuteness of Patrick transcends all...or something. XD Andy looks kinda bored, though haha!
Because Patrick has awesome facial expressions, this being exhibit #1; again Andy looks bored lol.
Because I really love his facial expression in this one. XD
Because OMFG THE LIP BITE. O_o He has to know how adorable that is, I'm sorry. Plus, Andy is a gangsta'. Fo shizzle.
Because LOL. SO FREAKING CUTE. ...and Joe is making a relatively hilarious facial expression; not sure who that other guy is, though.
Because LOOK AT HIS FEET. He's so awesome. Rock on Patrick Stump, ROCK ON.
Because LMAO. Patrick looks SO bored, I LOVE IT. Poor Joe. XD
Because Patrick and Pete are just too cute when they're together. ♥
Because I love that they're so amused by a barbie doll. XD
Because a) more awesome facial expressions and b) Pete + Patrick = an awesometastic picture.
Because I love it when Pete repeatedly tries to kiss Patrick on stage for some reason.
Because they're sexy bitches and because Pete's wearing a Gryffindor shirt.
Because if I were Pete (or around him as often lol), I'd hug Patrick too.
Because OMG LOOK AT HIS MOUTH. O_o (Pete is looking too LOL. XD)
Because nothing he's wearing matches and I LOVE IT. PLUS, ARGYLE FTW! ♥
Because his hat amuses me like whoa (and it's so very true).
Because this is my header image for a reason. If you can't see why, you're not looking at it right. XD
Because I'm 99.9% sure those bags are full of hats.
Because somehow Patrick has managed to go from being as cute as this back in the TTTYG days to possibly being even more adorable (if that's at all possible). *snuggles*
Okay. I'm going to go lay down somewhere before I pass out from the cuteness that is Patrick Stump.
Hope I wasn't the only one who enjoyed this. XD (Part II is coming later today...once I regain my normal breathing patterns. ;) hehehe....)