Theme: 057 - Storm; for
100_chancesAuthor: Chey (
Genre: General/fluff
Rating: G
Pairings: Yami no YugixYugi implied
HereWarnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: It was the first good rainstorm of the season, but someone wasn't too thrilled.
Disclaimer: As soon as I transmogrify into a Japanese man named Takahashi, I'll let you know.
As Yugi closed his textbook with the weary sigh of a student who had just finished far too much homework, he heard a rumble off in the distance. Shoving his books in his backpack, he stood up, stretched, and glanced at the skylight.
Yes, we haven’t had a good thunderstorm for awhile, Yugi thought as he peered at the sky, where the stars were vanishing behind black clouds glowing with lightning. His relief at finishing his work grew into happiness at the prospect of a rainstorm to fall asleep to.
A louder clap of thunder filled his ears, and he felt a strange swoop in the pit of his stomach. Frowning, he glanced down at his abdomen. That was strange, for a moment he’d felt…scared.
Yugi couldn’t remember a time when he’d been afraid of storms; he loved the rain and the fresh, cool feeling it gave the world when it had gone. He always slept well on stormy nights, and puzzled his family every year with his cheerful anticipation of the rainy season. So why would he feel afraid?
Shrugging the odd feeling away, he decided to go to bed. As he reached for the cord around his neck that held the Millennium Puzzle, rain began beating down upon the window. Lightning illuminated the room for a moment, and the loudest crack of thunder yet boomed over the city. Yugi had the Puzzle half-off when he felt that nervous jolt again, even heavier this time.
And that’s when he realized what it was. It wasn’t himself who was having these scared emotions, it was his other self.
Mou hitori no boku…is afraid of storms?
Yugi let go of the cord, letting the Puzzle fall back upon his chest as he thought about it. This was the first big storm since he’d solved the Puzzle. His Puzzle was from ancient Egypt, and he recalled reading that Egypt rarely got thunderstorms. Ever since he’d realized there was another person inside him, born of the Puzzle, he’d wondered if the spirit was also from ancient Egypt. A thunderstorm, to someone who had never experienced one before, probably would be sort of scary.
He glanced around the room. So this meant his other self must be aware of things going on in the outside world. He must have known somehow, that would explain why the fear had grown into near-panic when Yugi had been about to take the Puzzle off. Apparently the spirit objected to spending the night alone.
Yugi felt a sudden rush of affection for the strange soul inside the Puzzle. His other self could stare down an armed convict with no fear at all, yet was bothered enough by a storm to admit it to Yugi. Strange as it was, he found it sort of cute.
“It’s all right, mou hitori no boku,” he said aloud. “I’ll leave the Puzzle on.”
Switching off the lights he climbed into bed and curled under the covers, the Puzzle shielded protectively by his arms as the rain grew louder on the roof.
“G’night mou hitori no boku,” he murmured sleepily.
He felt a wave of warmth, another emotion that wasn’t his own, and smiled to himself.
“You’re welcome.”
X - X - X
Notes: Needy!Yami makes me feel kind of warm and fuzzy. x3 I'm really pleased with this theme.
I hope everyone had a good Labor Day. I had to work anyway. ^^; Apparently book selling waits for no one.