Theme: 005- In the beginning; for
100_chances Author: Chey (
Rating: G
Genre: Serious/introspective
Parings: YamixYugi implied
You're lookin' at it
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Season 0
Summary: His host was a source of light and warmth. And this person thought he could injure that source? Thought he could injure Yugi?
Disclaimer: FANfiction, people, only fanfiction.
He didn’t recognize the name, but the moment he heard it applied to him, he knew who it must belong to. With his full concentration not needed to handle the man he was there to punish, he turned the name over in his mind, testing it, familiarizing himself with it.
No exact amount of time could be given to how long he’d been unconscious in darkness. He only knew that at some point he had become aware of a connection with another person. He didn’t know how long the connection had been there before he became aware, but noticing it had reawakened his abilities of thinking and reasoning.
The other person’s soul was gentle and pure, and he had clung to the warmth of it with a need he didn't fully understand. With nothing else around, he fixated on the connection. It took up every thought and became an obsession, crowding his mind with questions of whom it belonged to and why it had been foraged. But his constant attention caused him to notice that, at times, bitterness or pain would creep in and dim its light.
Tonight something had opened between them. He found himself here, overwhelmed by a million sights and sounds and feelings that crashed over him in this loud, constantly-changing place that was so different from his former empty existance. Through the chaos he pulled together one coherent thought. Someone in this world had hurt his other soul.
His eyes narrowed at Ushio, now writhing under the tree, babbling with lunacy.His host was a source of light and warmth. And this person thought he could injure that source?
Thought he could injure Yugi?
He is mine. And you hurt him.
He walked away quietly, leaving the school grounds and returning to the sidewalk. No further time was wasted on Ushio, he had more important things to return to contemplating. Like his host, the mysterious person he was linked to and apparently sharing a body with…
I do not know much about him, but I owe him my existence.
He paused, looking up at the sky, then brought one hand to his chest to feel his heartbeat. His clothes, the fabric comfortable and soft, had been warmed by his body. The madness inside him settled for a moment into quiet introspection, startling himself with his lucidity in the midst of all the new things he was struggling to take in.
Stars, warmth, life…sanity, even. How long had it been since he experienced any of it? Small things, but at the same time, invaluable gifts. All given to him by the person named Yugi.
He lowered his hand and resumed walking, ignoring other people on the sidewalk who invariably hurried away in fear after seeing his feral eyes. He found his thoughts slipping away again until he could only focus on one thing. But, perhaps, it was the only thing really worth focusing on at all.
And I will destroy anyone that attempts to take his light away.
Notes: Dub premier of 5D's today, so what better day for a flashback to Yami's first day with Yugi? You can base this on either the first chapter of manga or first episode of Season 0, either one would fit. I took some creative license with a few things. ^^;;