Mini ficlet: "Happy Anniversary" [PG - Harry/Ginny]

Jun 30, 2009 16:52

Title: Happy Anniversary
Author: aibhinn
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Rating: PG
Word Count: 685
Summary: Anniversaries with three children can be…entertaining.
Warnings: You have to ask? More fluff.
Author's Note: The final of my Stump the Author forfeit fics. This one goes way back into my Harry Potter fandom past, and is written for mollywheezy, who wanted "HP universe, humor genre, pairing of your choice, prompt: anniversary." Here you are, my dear. I hope you enjoy!

The sound of clattering dishes and quiet voices woke Harry. Frighteningly-quiet voices. Frighteningly-quiet children's voices.

And Ginny was still asleep beside him… which meant no-one was minding the kids.

Harry sat bolt upright, straining his ears to hear what they were saying.

"…in the jug, Albus, not the cup," Lily's voice said firmly. Despite being the youngest, she could be as bossy as Hermione when the mood took her.

"But Mum likes milk in her tea!"

"Then she'll put it in. That's what the jug's for. You bring the stuff up to them and let them doctor it up however they like. That's polite."

"Get out of the way!" James said in a stage whisper. All three of them were obviously trying to keep from waking their parents. "I've got the teapot."

Harry suddenly realised what was going on, and with a silent prayer that James was using magic, and not his hands, to carry a teapot full of boiling water, he nudged his wife awake. "Ginny."

"Mmph?" She rolled over and looked up at him blearily. A moment later, her eyes cleared and she smiled. "Happy anniversary, Harry," she said, reaching up to draw him down for a kiss.

He kissed her back, but resisted being pulled all the way down to the bed. "Happy anniversary, love. And I think our children are about to bring us tea, if not breakfast, in bed."

Ginny's contented expression turned horrified in the blink of an eye. "Oh, Merlin. D'you suppose there's anything left of the kitchen?"

Footsteps on the stairs made them both look up. "No time to wonder," Harry hissed, and both of them slid back under the covers, pretending to be asleep as the door to their room creaked carefully open.

"After three," James whispered, and the three of them more or less chorused, "Happy anniversary, Mum and Dad!"

Harry sat up, rubbing his eyes and making believe to yawn. "Oh, wow," he said, surveying the tray with its wobbly eggs, limp bacon, a rack of half-burnt toast, and (mercifully empty) teacups. He was relieved to see that James was, indeed, transporting the teapot via Levitation. "This looks wonderful! Thank you."

"It's perfect," Ginny said with a smile that looked utterly sincere. "You three are fantastic."

The kids beamed, and Harry felt his heart clench with happiness. "Yes, you are," he said around the lump in his throat.

Ginny gave a hug and a kiss to each of the kids, who were arrayed on her side of the bed. "Now, what's part two of cooking?" she asked.

Their shoulders slumped. "Washing up," James said.

"That's right."

"But we cooked!" Lily protested. "So we don't have to!" It was the rule in their house: the chef did not tidy the kitchen after, which meant Harry had spent a good portion of his married life up to his elbows in hot, soapy water.

"Is it really fair to make us tidy the kitchen after you've made us a gift for our anniversary?" Ginny asked, eyebrows raised.

The three of them exchanged glances. "No," James answered, again the spokesman for all of them.

"So go tidy up while Dad and I eat, and then maybe we can pack a lunch and have a picnic this afternoon out at Gran and Granddad's, if you want."

The kids' expressions brightened again, and they were off like a shot down the stairs. Harry just laughed, shaking his head, as Ginny sat back in bed looking pleased. "You are the only mother in Britain who could convince her children to do the washing-up and leave us alone," he said.

Ginny grinned and picked up her wand, pointing it at the door, which closed. "I have my reasons," she said. Her eyes twinkled.

"Oh?" Harry shifted closer, tucking a strand of red hair tenderly behind her ear. "And what would those be, Mrs. Potter?"

Ginny waved her wand, and the food transformed into something much closer to edible. "I think I'm going to need to keep my strength up today," she said. Then she leant towards him. "And I know you are."

fluff, one-shot, stump the author, fic, h/g, hp

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