"Join Us" 1/3 [Ten II / Rose / alt!Jack - Mature]

Jul 03, 2009 18:04

Title: Join Us (1/3)
Author: aibhinn
Rating: M (for later parts)
Characters: Ten II / Rose / Alt!Jack
Spoilers: None, if you know how Journey's End turns out.
Betas: dameruth and canaana, though I did some editing after I got it back from them, so if I messed it up, it's not their fault!
Summary: Rose and the Doctor have got to know this universe's version of Jack pretty well-and have decided they want more than just friendship. More or less PWP, really.
Disclaimer: Except for Alt!Jack, nothing is mine. I promise to put Auntie Beeb's toys away nicely when I'm done.
Author's Note: This is a "spare prompt" from the long-ago OT3 Ficathon hosted by wendymr and dark_aegis. The prompt, from joannec, will be given at the end of the chapter. This first one is short-ish; later ones will be longer, I promise. :)

Chapter 2 | Chapter 3

Chapter 1

The Doctor and Rose stopped outside the door to Jack's office. He squeezed her hand. "You sure you're okay with this?" he asked again.

She smiled and stood on tiptoe to kiss him. "Yes," she said. "I'm sure."

He stroked a hand over her cheek, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll be waiting, then." With a soft kiss, he released her hand and strode off down the hall. She watched him go, aware of the tension in his shoulders and of the tension in her own body.

If this didn't work . . . .

It'll work, she told herself firmly. I know it will.

The Doctor's thin form disappeared around a corner with a last glance and a smile, and she took a deep breath, then let it out again. She could do this. She could.

Trying to ignore the way she trembled, she turned the doorknob and slipped into the room.

Jack sat at his desk, bent over a stack of paperwork that made her own desk look positively spotless. He glanced up as she came in, and a smile of pure pleasure lit up his face. "Rose!" He stood, came around the desk, and kissed her cheek. "What brings you down here to my humble cellar?"

She tried to say something-a flirtatious comment, an off-colour suggestion, or at least something just a shade naughtier than usual, but the words caught in her throat. She couldn't bring herself to verbalise what she wanted. The Doctor and I are having sexual trouble, and we want to bring you in to clear things up sounded like he was being used. We've both fallen in love with you, and we want you in our bed made them sound like those sad women who fell in love with the first man who paid them any attention, no matter what he felt.

Jack frowned, noticing her discomfiture. "Rose?" he repeated.

Without pausing to think too hard about what she was doing, Rose grabbed hold of his lapels and kissed him, hard, demanding. He hesitated for the briefest of seconds-startled, no doubt-before giving in, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her tight against his body. She moulded to him, feeling the broad, strong muscles and the growing hardness against her belly, and moaned. Yes, this. This was what she'd needed. And with the Doctor there too, the three of them together . . . oh, yes-!

He broke away, gasping for breath. "Rose-hang on-wait a second-"

She blinked, then flushed violently. Oh, God, she'd just thrown herself at him without so much as an explanation! Embarrassment burned through her, and she looked away. "S-sorry. I'm sorry, Jack, I . . . ." Damn. She'd just ruined it, hadn't she? Maybe the Doctor should have been along after all . . . .

"Oh, no, you don't," Jack said, his hand at the small of her back refusing to let her pull away. "You don't get to walk in here, snog me, apologise, and disappear. Something's going on. What is it?" She hesitated, and he said, more quietly, "Is it the Doctor? Are you two having problems?"

"Sort of," Rose muttered, looking everywhere but at him. Bollocks! Now what did she do?

"Hey, it's all right. I'm not upset with you. Just tell me what's going on, hm? Talk to me."

She chanced a look up at him. The expression in his eyes was so earnest, so caring, that she felt some of her panic ebbing away. This was Jack, after all. Not the Jack from the other universe, though they shared much in common-but Jack nonetheless, completely himself and someone she loved and trusted on his own merits, regardless of his counterpart back home. She took a deep breath. "D'you remember that field assignment last spring?" she said.

"The one in southern Spain?" He grinned reminiscently. "Hell, yes. Blue water, white sand, hot sun, hot women in bikinis, hot men in swim trunks . . . ." His grin turned wicked. "I never did talk the Doctor into wearing a Speedo, though."

Rose bit her lip. "You seemed a little . . . hesitant around us, just there at the end. Why?"

"Hesitant?" His grin became slightly less convincing, but only someone who knew him-or the other him-very well would have noticed. "Oh, you know me, sweetheart. If I want something, I go for it. I'm not the hesitating type."

It was all bluster, and she knew it. "Yeah, I do, Jack," she said. "So why didn't you go for it then?"

He glanced away. "Well, you know, long-term relationship, third wheel, don't want to butt in. Besides-" He met her eyes again, and there was that crooked smile. "You two were doing just fine on your own, if I recall correctly."

"You wanted us then," she said quietly. "We saw you watching us. We saw the look in your eyes. You wanted us-both, together, with you."

He blinked, apparently startled by her bluntness. "Rose, I would never-"

"Never what?" she said, when he hesitated. "Ask, or want?"

Jack looked down, took a deep breath, and let it out shakily. "Ask," he said. "Not unless I knew you wanted it, too-or had good reason to think so."

"So you do want us, then?"

Another breath, and he looked straight into her eyes. "Yes," he said quietly.

Rose smiled, relieved. "Good," she said. "Because I'm here to ask you to join us."

A/N part deux: The prompt was Post-Journey's End on Pete's World, Ten2 and Rose aren't quite working out as they would like to. They realise that what's missing is Jack. There is a Jack on Pete's World but he thinks of Rose as a colleague and Ten2 as that nice guy Rose is dating. Ten2 and Rose need to get to know and seduce Jack.

wip, chaptered, ten ii, fic, smut, doctor who, rose, alt!jack, ten ii/rose/jack, ot3 ficathon

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