Fic: Memories

Jan 20, 2008 14:57

Title: Memories
Author: aibhinn
Character(s): Jack Harkness
Summary: On a trip to Kyoto, Jack indulges in some memories.
Disclaimer: I own none of this and I make no money. It's all done for love.
Author's Notes: Written for round 1.06 of the writerinadrawer competition. Prompt: A private moment. Additional required element: a foreign country. This fic literally could NOT have been done without the assistance of swankkat, who helped me with all things Japanese. Thank you, sweetie! All errors, however, remain my own.

Autumn 2004
Kyoto had changed since the middle ages, Jack mused wryly as he got off the train at the station, which looked more like a modern shopping centre than a train station to his eyes. Kyomizu Temple was nearby, he knew, but the low-hanging clouds were so thick he couldn't see it, perched as high up the hill as it was. Stepping into a shop, he flashed his brightest smile at the young lady behind the counter and said carefully, "Sumimasen, Kyomizudera wa docchi desu ka?" Pardon me, in which direction is Kyomizu Temple?

She blinked, then smiled shyly back and gave him directions-slowly, so he could follow. He bowed as best he could. "Arigato," he said politely, and started off in the direction she'd indicated.

Down the street, to the right, up the hill-and suddenly he was beyond the stone walls surrounding the temple village, with a clear view of the cobblestone street leading straight up to Kyomizudera. It had been old even when he and Rose and the Doctor had come here, back before the events of Satellite Five had torn them apart. The TARDIS had materialised… where?

Jack spun around on his heel, then noticed a segment of road eroded nearly into gravel, in a recognisably square shape. He walked slowly up to it and stood there, staring down, his heart in his throat. Yes, they had landed here, in this spot that was difficult for humans to perceive because of the influence of the TARDIS's chameleon circuit. He sighed and closed his eyes, remembering.

"Where are we?" Rose's eyes danced with the familiar excitement of discovery.

The Doctor grinned broadly. "Kyoto," he said.

"What, Japan?"

"You know any other Kyotos?" the Doctor asked, eyebrows raised but still grinning. "Go find something appropriate to wear in the wardrobe, and we'll go exploring."


Jack was knocked out of his thoughts by the soft collision at his side. He looked down to see a young Japanese woman brushing off her jeans. "Ah, sumimasen!" she said, flushing. "Mimasendeshita..." She looked up and focused on him, and her eyes widened while her flush deepened. She's just realised I'm not Japanese, Jack thought. Very slowly, she said in English, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Jack said, and smiled in an attempt to ease her embarrassment. "Fine, thanks."

She narrowed her eyes and hesitantly pointed at his chest. "American?" she asked.

"Yeah." It was easier than the truth, and his accent certainly came close enough.

"Can you?" she asked politely, but Jack knew the culture well enough to refuse.

"No, I've got a... place to get to. I was just admiring the Temple." He looked up towards it. The clouds had cleared enough to get a misty view, like a building suspended in the heavens. "It's beautiful."

"Yes, yes, beautiful." She was nodding, still blushing at her clumsiness. Jack bowed to her, hoping that would give her a way out of the situation without appearing rude. She bowed back and continued up the street, disappearing quickly into a small tea shop with an air of mortification.

Jack sighed and looked up at the Temple once more. The memories of this place were the last truly happy ones he had, unshadowed by betrayal and abandonment. It didn't quite seem right for him to be here now, old and bitter as he was. Some day, he thought, I might be worthy of this place again.

With heavy heart, he turned back towards the train station.

torchwood, writer in a drawer, one-shot, fic, jack

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