Title: It Hurts
aibhinnCharacter(s): Ten
Rating: G
Summary: "You're wrong." What, exactly, did the Doctor mean?
Spoilers: POTW
Disclaimer: I harbor no illusions that I have any right to Doctor Who, Torchwood, or any of the characters portrayed therein. I write for the love of the show, and make no money at it.
Author's note: Not really sure why this hit me between the eyes, but here you are.
Jack's immortality blazes like a sun, a nuclear furnace that draws on nearly infinite amounts of energy to drag him back from death.
It's wrong. No human should have to go through that: the pain of death followed by the pain of coming back. It's bad enough for Time Lords, bred to deal with it; for a human, it's torture.
That's why he ran. Not because Jack should be dead, but because Jack can't die. And the Doctor doesn't know how to reverse it.
His friend has suffered, and will suffer, and he can't do a damn thing.
It hurts.