Title: As Luck Would Have It
Pairing: Yesung/Ryeowook
Wordcount: 5,217
Rating: PG
Summary: AU. Ryeowook is head-over-heels in love with a man he’s never spoken to.
Notes: For Ryeowook’s birthday~ This may or may not be based entirely on true events >___>;;
He tries his best to explain Attractive Mystery Guy’s attractive and mysterious qualities without sounding like an adolescent with a schoolyard crush, but that is exactly what Heechul calls him, although not quite so eloquently. )
Comments 12
KyuHyun is the weird one xD How could he said THAT for their first meeting ? He's crazy ^^
I would like to know what will happen for them next, but it's a nice way to finish this OS.
Thanks for the cuteness ^^
Kyuhyun is a brat, that's all there is to it~
Thank you for reading!
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They are idiots so we love them!!!
Bitch!Kyu is best!Kyu~
I LOVE THAT WOOK CALLS HIM "ATTRACTIVE MYSTERY GUY" HAHAHA it makes me really happy n______n (like how I call the intern who sits next to me at work Attractive Male Intern, hahahaha, even though I know his name and everything)
Ryeowook would walk beside him, one of his earbuds in his own ear and their strides would match as they walked to the library. They would study and write papers together. He would take Ryeowook to his room and they would sit on the floor, slurping messy ramen noodles while they swapped stories and kisses. fjewiaofjewafeiowa ;;;;;;;; this is the most precious thinggggg and especially the last part oh my goodness I love the mental picture of them slurping at ramen and telling each other silly stories and kissing and just being 100% adorable ;u;
( ... )
The nicknames are the best part of having a crush! I've had "Walmart Guy" "Ice Cream Guy" and "Attractive Mystery Asian." It makes it more interesting~~
The daydreaming is the second best part of having a crush ;A;
I live for this AU. ;A;
I'm glad you like it! I was worried it would be too >___> idk weird bc it was basically self-insert but not??????? idk I hope it doesn't come off that way XD Thank you for reading, darling! Have a good day at woorrrkk~ <3
ehhhhhh so perfect, love it.
Glad you like it! Thank you for reading and commenting! ^u^
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