I voted. You know what is making me so sick? I read another article on CNN and a woman states, "I just think it's one of those moments that should stay between a mother and her child." Okay, so does that mean she thinks mothers should stayed holed up at home and never go out until the baby weans? It irritates me so much. I nurse Gavin where ever I happen to be. I have on occasion went to the car, where I don't have to worry about someone seeing my boob. (I am pretty large, so there is a big chance that someone may see a little flesh). It just makes me so crazy to think that nursing is considered gross. Thanks for listening to my little rant.
Rant away! You have stumbled upon a Pro-Breastfeeding blog! (I have many rants of a similar nature recently, since the brouhaha with the LJ discrimination controversy).
I heard about that woman. She's a supposed 'breastfeeder' being quoted in the media - boob_nazis has a recent post about her. She breastfed for, like, four weeks and mostly used a bottle & supplementation anyway. And *she's* speaking for breastfeeders?
I did the dreaded once - I nursed in a Walmart bathroom because I couldn't find a chair to nurse anywhere else. Never again. Ever. If people saw more positive images of healthy breastfeeding children, we wouldn't have this problem in our society. I nurse proudly whenever and wherever my baby gets hungry. I don't flaunt my boobies, but I do care for my child. It makes me sick, too, and one of my missions is to fight that ignorance.
The real, underlying problem here is that we are a sexually repressed society. Bodies are ::bad::, sex is evil and omg brestfeeding in public is soooooo grossssssss!!!!!
Images of healthy breastfeeding babies won't change anything, I fear, unless the underlying stigma about sexuality is removed.
Now you're right - therein lies a problem. To me, there is nothing sexual about feeding my children.
I still think if we had better education and more healthy images, we'd be in less of a rut. Perhaps then less than, what was it, 70% or something say they've fed formula to their babies? That's just not right!
Educate the masses to realize that boobs were meant for babies, not men's pleasure. *gasp!* I seriously believe that the rampant formula feeding in this country contributes to the growing number of developmental disabilities (ADD & autism, anyone?) as well as horrible crime rates. These are unsubstantiated claims, but I believe it.
Done! This issue shouldn't be an issue! What is a mother supposed to be trapped in her house for the entire time she breastfeeds? Yes pumping works for times when mom can be there but I've heard it can cause confusion for the infant and make it difficult for attachment if used to often.
This whole movement toward "optional" C-sections (ie. not medically necessary) and banning public nursing is insidious. Giving people the perspective that vaginal birth is out of date and nursing in public is offensive will harm children and mothers. If they're worried about offensive then they should go after Hollywood and the music industry for promoting a lack of taste in their scantily clad stars.
I can't help but wonder if this isn't part of the backlash against motherhood that has been simmering for years. We're headed toward a cultural change again, maybe not in the opposite direction of women's rights but a polarization of views of women as mothers, wives, employees, leaders. The sad thing is there women who are espousing this view!
I think that seeing these images in the mass media, and hearing about things like nurse-ins and the LJ controversy, *is* swinging it in a healthier direction. People *are* being educated. It's heartbreaking that when I took the poll, 2,000 people said they would be offended...BUT almost 8,000 people support breastfeeding! Compared to the last 40-50 years, that's progress!
The more it's out there and the more people actually LEARN, the more positive direction views will swing. If ONE young girl sees a healthy image and realizes that her body can be so empowering, that nursing is loving and normal (and sacred!), and chooses to breastfeed her own children when the time comes, then it's all for good!
Would you be offended by a mother breast-feeding in public?
Yes 22% 26104 votes
No 78% 91724 votes
Total: 117828 votes
being always ready for an, ahem, discussion...I wonder what reason the 22% have for finding it offensive? For gawds sake, don't use the body part we objectify most for it's intended purpose!!! *rolls eyes* :p
Comments 19
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Ok, what am I missing? I don't think I remember the magazine...
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If only this country realized that's how babies eat.
You know what is making me so sick? I read another article on CNN and a woman states, "I just think it's one of those moments that should stay between a mother and her child." Okay, so does that mean she thinks mothers should stayed holed up at home and never go out until the baby weans? It irritates me so much. I nurse Gavin where ever I happen to be. I have on occasion went to the car, where I don't have to worry about someone seeing my boob. (I am pretty large, so there is a big chance that someone may see a little flesh). It just makes me so crazy to think that nursing is considered gross.
Thanks for listening to my little rant.
I heard about that woman. She's a supposed 'breastfeeder' being quoted in the media - boob_nazis has a recent post about her. She breastfed for, like, four weeks and mostly used a bottle & supplementation anyway. And *she's* speaking for breastfeeders?
I did the dreaded once - I nursed in a Walmart bathroom because I couldn't find a chair to nurse anywhere else. Never again. Ever. If people saw more positive images of healthy breastfeeding children, we wouldn't have this problem in our society. I nurse proudly whenever and wherever my baby gets hungry. I don't flaunt my boobies, but I do care for my child. It makes me sick, too, and one of my missions is to fight that ignorance.
Images of healthy breastfeeding babies won't change anything, I fear, unless the underlying stigma about sexuality is removed.
Rotsa ruck. But I'm with ya, in general.
I still think if we had better education and more healthy images, we'd be in less of a rut. Perhaps then less than, what was it, 70% or something say they've fed formula to their babies? That's just not right!
Educate the masses to realize that boobs were meant for babies, not men's pleasure. *gasp!* I seriously believe that the rampant formula feeding in this country contributes to the growing number of developmental disabilities (ADD & autism, anyone?) as well as horrible crime rates. These are unsubstantiated claims, but I believe it.
This whole movement toward "optional" C-sections (ie. not medically necessary) and banning public nursing is insidious. Giving people the perspective that vaginal birth is out of date and nursing in public is offensive will harm children and mothers. If they're worried about offensive then they should go after Hollywood and the music industry for promoting a lack of taste in their scantily clad stars.
I can't help but wonder if this isn't part of the backlash against motherhood that has been simmering for years. We're headed toward a cultural change again, maybe not in the opposite direction of women's rights but a polarization of views of women as mothers, wives, employees, leaders. The sad thing is there women who are espousing this view!
The more it's out there and the more people actually LEARN, the more positive direction views will swing. If ONE young girl sees a healthy image and realizes that her body can be so empowering, that nursing is loving and normal (and sacred!), and chooses to breastfeed her own children when the time comes, then it's all for good!
Yes 22% 26104 votes
No 78% 91724 votes
Total: 117828 votes
being always ready for an, ahem, discussion...I wonder what reason the 22% have for finding it offensive? For gawds sake, don't use the body part we objectify most for it's intended purpose!!! *rolls eyes* :p
Pure ignorance. :(
Just one more thing to make me hate CNN.
Stupid jerks.
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