So I just finished Skyward Sword and I'm going to rant a bit about things I thought were dumb because I need to vent the frustration of losing at Blazblue for an hour straight online
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The Binding of Isaac. Deaths: 51 Mom kills: 37 Items: 123 Secrets Found: 57/63 All 11 Endings unlocked. Cleared Sheol with all 6 characters.It was good while it lasted! See you at the next big update, if any
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Got a bit lazy with the pics since I want to get my Dark Souls on, but behold: Madoka Kaname, Beach Queens edition. Most likely the first Madoka figure to be available for pre-order in the woooorld
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Design-wise, there need to be as few abstractions as possible for the player to deal with. In a traditional RPG, the character's level and attributes determines who wins a fight. Darwinian Difficulty
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This is bad, I'd rather work on Binding of Isaac walkthroughs than play Dark Souls. Not that Dark Souls isn't amazing. Just that Isaac is more instantly addictive. Only about 4-5 more walkthroughs until I unlocked ( most of ) everything :D
I pre-order Dark Souls and Rage on Amazon last week, and neither of them is shipped THREE DAYS after their release. To top it off, it's a three day week-end, which means that I won't be able to enjoy them on a week-end where I would actually have had free time to play AND won't get them until at least one day later than usual.