November 3rd

Nov 04, 2012 00:14

Word count: 12000
Soundtrack: Christmas movies
Drink of Choice: Coffee

Today the words just flowed. It was pretty amazing. Although the story itself is just going by so slow. I should be a bit further along in the story than I actually am. It's nice because of teh words I suppose, but this book is being really long. And amazingly, this is me trying ( Read more... )

nanowrimo, nanowrimo 2012

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Comments 3

liberty_stewart November 5 2012, 03:25:29 UTC
Well I've always been a victim of writer's block, so you can sure bet I'm going to try out that kitten site you recommended.

Also good job on the word count! If I could even score 50,000 this year that would be a new record for me. Can't remember my last number, but I know it was no where near 50,000.


agoodinsane November 13 2012, 08:02:49 UTC
That Written? Kitten! site is teh best. It's gotten me a lot of my words really fast. It's great.

And thank you! i have written a lot pretty fast but for some reason it really doesn't freel like it. I don't know why. usually it feels like I've written a lot you? And I bet you will get closer to that 50k line this year. How far along are you now?


liberty_stewart November 14 2012, 05:47:56 UTC
I'm only at 4300 at the moment. Mind got sidetracked and I wasn't writing for the past several days. My initial goal was to aim for half of the nanowrimo goal. Thought it was 100k, but turns out it's only 50k. So that means my target word count is 25k which is still higher than I've ever gotten.

How high have you achieved so far?


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