November 3rd

Nov 04, 2012 00:14

Word count: 12000
Soundtrack: Christmas movies
Drink of Choice: Coffee

Today the words just flowed. It was pretty amazing. Although the story itself is just going by so slow. I should be a bit further along in the story than I actually am. It's nice because of teh words I suppose, but this book is being really long. And amazingly, this is me trying to conserve on the word count. 
But today was great to because I disconvered Written? Kitten!'s amazing! You write and it rewards you with pictures of kittens. Like Write or Die, but reward instead of consequence. At one point I did 800 words in like twenty minutes. It helps. I highly suggest it. 
I am about one day ahead right now, which is great. I do tend to fall a little behind from time to time. So I am hoping I stay 1 day ahead for a bit.
Tomorrow I have my first write-in of the month with my region. For some reason those things always make me so nervous. But here is to write-ins adn good times.

nanowrimo, nanowrimo 2012

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