November 2nd

Nov 03, 2012 01:56

Word count: 6273
Soundtrack: Taylor Swift(Red)
Drink of Choice: Hot Chocolate

Today the words just flowed. It was amazing. I only spent maybe a little under 2 hours writing and I got so far in such a small amount of time and while multi-tasking as well. It just went so well. I guess I should say though that the amount of words flowed. I was still stuck on the prologue all throughout those words. I did not want to write that prologue. It was sad and I was miserable writing it. Things will get easier in the book after this and the words will probably come even faster too. Day two was a great success overall though.

Excited for day three ebcause I have no work. So I am going to sit at home all day, sprinting and writing all while watching Christmas movies on Hallmark. 

2012, nanowrimo, writing

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