November 1st

Nov 01, 2012 11:59

It's that time of year again! I am going to be sticking close to my LJ this year, I find it gives me more support and motiviation to keep up with it during NaNoWriMo. I stay on track a lot more.

November 1st 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 1

Word count: 2783
Soundtrack: Taylor Swift(Red)
Drink of Choice: Hot Chocolate

Yesterday I really brought my opening scenes together with a play by play. I never really outline this way, but I was feeling more nervous yesterday and the words were just flowing with my outlining. So I went with it. Turns out it helped me a lot, especially since I discovered a few plot holes and the sorts. So I'm glad I did it. I'm following along with my outline, finding it's really helping me. Although these scenes are taking more words than I had originally anticipated, which is always good I suppose. On page 6 and still in the prologue.

Some background on this novel. I had started the concept in 2008. I wrote my first draft for that Nano. After that I thought I was done, but this story was always in the back of my mind. It's been there growing. So every year since then, excluding 2010(because I really thought I was done!) I have written a new draft of this novel. This year, I'm really hoping this will be the last year I write a draft of this. I have pulled teh story together the best I think I can, the characters are better understood and I better understand where I am coming from with with novel. I really think this novel is going to be the one. I am going to go all the way with it, all the way up to self-publishing and self-promoting. I have a good feeling about this. And plus, I am just a little bit attached to this story now. It's personal now.

Well, that was enough distracting myself. I have to go to work in 2 hours. Better get back to the grind! How is everyone else?

nanowrimo, november, writing

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